People with face masks

How to Keep Yourself Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While the entire world is heavily focused on the new pandemic, COVID-19, it’s also a great time to take note that influenza, a seasonal virus, is a serious health problem as well.

We must continue to be vigilant with COVID-19, especially that the number of cases does not seem to slow down. But, we must also remember that influenza is a dangerous virus that can possibly be deadly too. 

So, how can we protect ourselves? The good thing is, the preventive measures for both viruses are quite similar. In this post, we are going to talk about how you can keep yourself healthy.

Easy Transmission

Most respiratory viruses, such as the flu and COVID-19, are easily and quickly transmittable. Both of these viruses are sneezed or coughed up into the air by those infected, where they can go to your hands or face easily. They can also be transmitted through direct contacts, such as hugs, handshakes, or even touching directly surfaces that contain the viruses.

Because of the easy transmission of these viruses,  it is essential you are aware of how to avoid passing or contracting the infection.

Keep in mind that there is no 100% way of preventing these diseases, but there are ways you can greatly reduce the transmission as well as keeping yourself healthy. Having a healthy body greatly helps, particularly if you contract the disease as you can recover better and faster.

Ways to Stay Healthy

In this section, we have listed 8 ways how you can stay healthy and protect yourself from easily-transmitted viruses.

Healthy lifestyle

  1. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and use your elbow, the inside of your shirt, or a tissue. Discard used tissues right away and remember to wash your hands properly. Take note that handwashing takes about an average of 20 seconds. Make sure to wash all areas of your hands and wrists.
  2. Frequently wash your hands and thoroughly with soap and water. If handwashing is not convenient, use alcohol or hand sanitizer that has 70% alcohol content.
  3. When touching the elevator buttons, doorknobs, keypads, etc., use your knuckles. If it’s possible, use a tissue or a q-tip in commonly touched surfaces, like the ATM machine.
  4. Prevent touching tour eyes, mouth, and face.
  5. Sanitize your home thoroughly and regularly with soap, water, diluted bleach, and disinfectants that are EPA-approved.
  6. Boost your immune system by getting sufficient sleep, exercise, and nutritious food.
  7. Limit contact with other people, especially if you are not feeling well. If you have a fever or cough, it’s best that you self-isolate to prevent the other people from your home from getting sick.
  8. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, avoid large crowds and unnecessary travels. It is best that you work from home and only go out to buy essentials, such as food and medicines.


Specific Recommendations for the Flu

  1. Get the flu vaccine yearly for anyone in your family that is over six months.
  2. If you believe you have the flu, particularly if you are prone to complications, contact your doctor immediately.
  3. If you are healthy, you don’t have to go to your doctor right away. Just make sure to stay at home, self-isolate, and use the right over-the-counter medications to alleviate your fever. However, if your condition is not getting any better, then you must seek medical help.

Sick woman


Special Recommendations for COVID-19

  1. Watch out for the common COVID-19 symptoms – cough, fever, and breathing difficulties.
  2. If you suffer from the symptoms, particularly if you have recently traveled, contact your doctor first before going to their clinic, emergency room, or urgent care. 
  3. While many recover on their own, elderly people and those with existing illnesses are vulnerable to COVID-19. Therefore, it is essential that you limit your contact with other people.
  4. If you need to go out, wear a proper face cover mask to limit the transmission of the virus.
  5. When you are outside your home, never forget to bring alcohol or a hand sanitizer.
  6. When soap and water are available, proper handwashing is highly recommended even if you have alcohol or a hand sanitizer with you.