Spot A Fake Watch

How To Spot A Fake Watch

As the demand for luxury watches continues to grow, so does the number of counterfeits on the market. Spotting a fake watch is not always easy and requires an understanding of what to look out for. Knowing how to spot a fake watch can help you avoid being duped into buying a knockoff that may cost as much as an original but lacks its quality, craftsmanship and value. In this article we will discuss some key tips on how to identify counterfeit watches and ensure you get your money’s worth when purchasing one.


The first step to spotting a fake watch is to look at the logo. According to The Watch Exchange London, on authentic timepieces, the logo will be crisp and clear with no smudging or fading. Additionally, most luxury brands have specific fonts for their logos that counterfeits often get wrong – be sure to compare the font on your potential purchase against other known authentic pieces. Another telltale sign of a counterfeit watch is if any aspect of it looks too “blingy” or flashy; while some brands may include diamonds and gemstones in certain models, they typically look more subtle and understated than what you might see on a fake piece.


Next, take a look at the weight of the watch. Luxury watches are made with high-quality materials and are usually quite heavy. If your potential purchase is light in hand, it might be a sign that the watch is not authentic. On the same note, if any moving parts feel loose or flimsy when you’re handling it, that’s another red flag.


Finally, take note of the movement inside the watch. Authentic watches will have precision movements made with quality materials while counterfeits typically use inferior components to cut costs. You can tell whether a watch has an authentic movement by studying its serial number, which can often be found on the back plate or through an online search. By verifying this number against one provided by the manufacturer, you can determine if it is genuine or not.

What Are the Common Signs of a Counterfeit Watch?

  1. Poor quality design – Counterfeit watches often have poor craftsmanship and construction. They may look similar to the genuine watch, but upon close examination, you will typically be able to tell that they are not an original design. Look for signs such as uneven stitching, inferior materials used in the band or case, loose parts or misaligned numerals.
  2. Incomplete markings – Genuine watches will have a variety of stamps, numbers and symbols on their exterior to indicate authenticity such as brand logos and serial numbers. If any of these markings are absent from your watch it is likely a fake.
  3. Low price – A particularly telling sign of counterfeit watches is their very low price point compared to their genuine counterpart. If the watch you are considering is significantly cheaper than the genuine version, it is likely a counterfeit.
  4. Unusual weight – Genuine watches are typically heavier than fakes due to their superior materials and design. Counterfeit watches may feel lightweight or hollow when compared to an original model.
  5. Poor packaging – Fake watches often come in generic or flimsy boxes that do not match the brand of watch or lack any authenticity markings. Check for signs such as high-quality paper, printed logos and manufacturer’s information on the box before purchasing your watch.

Spotting a fake watch is not always easy, but with the right knowledge and resources you can be sure to get your money’s worth. By taking note of the logo, weight, and movement inside your potential purchase, you’ll have a better chance of identifying counterfeit watches so you don’t end up buying something that isn’t worth its tag price.  Always do your research before making any luxury purchases to ensure you’re getting the real deal. Good luck!