Email Marketing

Striking Resemblance Between Email Marketing and Dating 

Okay, this one is interesting. I mean, so much is being written about email marketing every now and then. The CTRs, the bounce rates, the designs, the subject lines, and whatnot, but no one ever noticed its stark similarity with dating. Yes, you read that right. Email marketing is just like dating. Let me explain.

The premise is similar: you get a date and work out a way to form and eventually strengthen a relationship with them. This cycle involves really some intense and intricate steps like getting to know each other, some cute little surprises, some drunk nights, some confessions but most importantly, commitment. You travel this journey with your partner through ups and downs, and voila, your love becomes a success!

Email marketing is more or less the same, which starts with building a relationship with the customer. The focal points are nothing short of a blooming romantic tale: attract, connect, engage, and delight. However, there is a lot more than what meets the eye. Just like dating, email marketing is a long tale of small pieces put together to form a tale of a lifetime, and pulling this off is anything but simple.

So, let’s decode this fairytale romance between email marketers and their subscribers and how this is just like real-time dating. I’ll try to showcase the lesser-known ’emotional’ aspects behind common email marketing best practices because today, it’s all about emotions.


Trust – The foundational value of all relationships. Stephen Covey has rightly said, “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” And, I can’t agree more with him.

Let’s say you are set up with a date. Most likely, you would know whom you are going to meet, their appearance, and maybe a rough idea about what they do. It’s obvious you don’t want to end up at a stranger’s door and then expect them to go on a date with you right away. Unless you are Raj Koothrappali from Big Bang Theory, please don’t imagine yourself doing that.

It’s crucial to know your partner (at least the basics) before setting out on a date with them. Same is the case with email marketing. If a visitor is submitting details to receive your emails, they have trusted you  that you will deliver them some value.

To keep the trust intact, you need to think more about showering love than receiving. Offer your subscribers something of value. It can be an information-heavy newsletter, tips, tricks about their industry, or even a discount. Offering these things would establish the trust factor in your relationship. Remember, one does not get married on the ‘First Date.’ First dates are meant to get another date by making a good impression on your partner.

Similarly, you won’t close a client with your first email. It’s all about testing the waters, getting to know each other better, and establishing the value of trust.

Having trust issues with your subscribers? Using tried and tested email templates from Pardot email templates or Salesforce email templates would definitely ignite that much-needed spark in your relationship with your subscribers.

Here is a fine example of providing value to your partner. Airbnb is spreading essential information on hosting and travel to their customers. This email won’t bring any direct conversion email, but it’s much more than that.

Striking Resemblance Between Email Marketing and Dating

Source: Really Good Emails


You cannot date or get close to someone unless you are familiar with their interests. It’s crucial to know and notice what your date likes and dislikes. A great date is never about your own preferences; it’s about making the other person comfortable.

Similarly, in email marketing, you need to pay attention to your subscribers’ likes and dislikes. Give your subscribers the option to choose the type of information and content they wish to receive in their inbox. Keenly observe their interests, remember those preferences, and eventually deliver the relevant emails. You need to modify your email marketing strategy as per the taste of your subscribers.

Having a hard time getting to know your subscriber base? Professional email marketing agency services like Marketo certified associates or Mailchimp email experts would decode your user base and provide you with valuable insights. Not only this, they are really good at maintaining relationships (with your subscribers, of course!)

The below example from Anthropologie is a classic example of how to peep into your partner’s head. This sort of email gives you insights that can be actioned upon to further strengthen the relationship.

Wrapping Up

Well, relationship is something I can go on and on about. In a true sense, there is not much difference between dating and email marketing. Whether it’s a campaign or a real-life relationship, both the partners need to contribute equally. As an email marketer, you need to deliver to your subscribers, and in return, they would give you CTRs and eventual sales. Trust, knowledge, compatibility, and understanding is all that it takes to have a healthy relationship. So, what are you waiting for? Choose your date and set out on a romance of a lifetime!

Author Bio

Kevin, the Head of Marketing at Email Uplers – one of the fastest growing custom email design and coding companies, specializes in crafting professional email templates, PSD to Email conversion and free responsive HTML Email Templates. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz, and breathes email marketing. He is a brand magician who loves to engage & share insights with fellow marketers.