Teaching English Online

Teaching English Online for Remote Travelers

In a world that values freedom and flexibility, the rise of remote work and travel has opened doors to a new breed of professionals—digital nomads. Among the various career paths available to these adventurous souls, teaching English online stands out as a rewarding and portable option.

With the ability to roam the globe while educating eager learners, remote travelers can combine their passion for exploration with the power of education. The following article explores what it means to be a digital nomad, why teaching English online is a great career opportunity for digital nomads, and what some common challenges are for online English teachers.

Digital nomads

As a result of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, many people learned that it is entirely possible to do their job working from home. Some even went a step further and discovered that as long as they have a stable internet connection, they could easily work from wherever in the world, not just from their home. Enter the digital nomad.

With advancements in technology and the increasing availability of remote work opportunities, more people are embracing the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. Digital nomads have the opportunity to break free from the confines of traditional office spaces and explore new destinations while still maintaining a fulfilling career and earning a living. It makes sense that the digital nomad lifestyle attracts people that are seeking adventure, flexibility, and a chance to escape the monotony of everyday routine.

Advantages of teaching English online

Teaching English online presents numerous advantages for remote travelers, making it an excellent choice for those who want to combine work with their travels.

Firstly, it offers great flexibility. As an online English teacher, you have the freedom to set your own schedule, allowing you to seek out new destinations and engage in travel activities at your convenience. Depending on time zones, you can work in the morning and explore in the afternoon or the other way around. Or why not take the day off in the middle of the week for a day trip? Since you are in control of your schedule, you don’t have to wait for the weekend to come around.

Additionally, teaching English online provides a competitive income potential, enabling remote travelers to sustain their nomadic lifestyle. Travel can be expensive, but if you can combine travel with an average salary, you don’t have to worry about your budget that much. Here you can find more information about your teaching English online salary. Of course, working while you travel does limit your flexibility a bit, since you still have professional commitments.

Furthermore, teaching English online enhances professional development by honing your communication and teaching skills, which can be valuable assets in various future endeavors. Lastly, it offers a unique opportunity for cultural exchange, as you interact with students from different parts of the world, broadening your understanding of diverse perspectives and fostering meaningful connections.

Getting started

How do you get started as an online English teacher? Easy, by following these steps:

  1. Assess your qualifications. Do you meet the basic requirements to teach English online? Most platforms require at least a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification. Others also need a bachelor’s degree. If you don’t have these qualifications, consider obtaining them through reputable online courses.
  2. Establish your availability and schedule. One of the biggest advantages of teaching English online as a remote traveler is the flexibility. You are in charge of your own schedule. Determine for yourself how much and when you’d like to work and set up a schedule.
  3. Research online teaching platforms and apply. Time to go for it. Research online teaching platforms to see which best matches your preferences and schedule. Popular platforms are VIPKid, Cambly, iTutorGroup, and Teach Away.
  4. Prepare your teaching materials. Got your first student? Start preparing. To ensure a smooth first lesson, create an engaging and interactive lesson plan tailored to the needs of your student(s).
  5. Find a good place to teach. You can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a stable internet connection. Set yourself up in a hotel, Airbnb, guesthouse or coworking space. If you’re doing video lessons, do be mindful of other people working in the same space.
  6. Get feedback and improve. It’s never too late to learn, and that also applies to teachers. Get feedback from your students and/or their parents, so you can continue to better your skills. You can also participate in professional development programs, attend webinars, and connect with other online teachers through forums or social media groups.

Common challenges

The most obvious challenge as an online English teacher is internet connectivity. Some parts of the world do not have a stable internet connection or reliable power sources. Take this into account when you’re looking for a new place to stay.

Another challenge for remote workers who travel is time zone differences. When you teach English online, it doesn’t matter where in the world your students are. However, it would make your life a lot easier if your students live in a nearby timezone. Nobody wants to wake up in the middle of the night to teach an English class to students halfway around the world.

Lastly, while being in complete control of your own schedule offers you incredible flexibility, it can also become overwhelming when you take on too many responsibilities, thus increasing the risk for professional burnout. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye on your work-life balance. Take time off when you need to, and don’t forget to enjoy your travels.


Teaching English online for remote travelers offers a unique and exciting opportunity to combine work with travel. The combination of flexibility, income potential, professional growth, and cultural exchange makes teaching English online an excellent choice for remote travelers, also known as digital nomads, looking to sustain their journeys while making a positive impact through education.

By assessing qualifications, setting up a schedule, researching platforms, preparing teaching materials, finding suitable teaching locations, and continuously improving skills, aspiring online English teachers can embark on this rewarding journey. However, challenges like internet connectivity, time zone differences, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance must be considered and managed to ensure a successful and fulfilling experience.