Heating Repairs After Winter

4 Tips for Avoiding Costly Heating Repairs After Winter

Well-maintained heating systems last longer. Homeowners can avoid expensive repairs by performing routine maintenance measures such as professional tune-ups, insulation of unoccupied spaces and sealing ductwork.

At the beginning of each heating season, it’s a simple but effective preventive measure to change out thermostat batteries for fresh ones. But how do you cool your system down for the off-season?

Explore four simple tips to avoid costly heating repairs post-winter, and for professional assistance, consider reaching out to Anderson Air.

1. Change your thermostat batteries and reprogram it

As a precautionary measure, changing your thermostat batteries at the beginning of each heating season is a wise idea. New batteries ensure your thermostat will properly activate your furnace when necessary. Also, this stops your heater from turning on and off randomly, which could potentially increase wear.

Resetting your thermostat is another effective way to avoid costly repairs, clearing away unnecessary data and returning it to factory settings. Simply open the battery panel (which may involve removing your entire thermostat from its mounting) and switch around batteries so they are in reverse.

The display should reawaken and the factory settings should have been restored after shutting it down and turning it back on.

Check your owner’s manual for how to do a factory reset on your thermostat, as it can vary between brands and models.

By performing regular maintenance on your home thermostat in the off-season, you can increase its lifespan while decreasing the frequency of repairs or resetting; plus, using one calibrated to measure home temperatures accurately can save energy costs when the cold winter months come back, saving you money on your utility costs!

2. Replace filters and clean components

Clogged or dirty filters can drastically decrease the efficiency of your heating system, forcing dust and debris through, straining your system and leading to costly damages. Maintaining proper HVAC hygiene by replacing or cleaning filters regularly can help keep it in top form.

Other components of your heating system should also be regularly cleaned to ensure optimal performance, such as the blower assembly, belts and pulleys, heat exchanger, burners and condensate drain.

Dust and gunk can build up over the course of its use in the cold season, forcing your system to work harder than necessary and possibly leading to breakdowns when you start it back up again.

When cleaning, always turn off the system first before consulting with an expert for advice on cleaning them properly.

3. Regular inspections

Your furnace, like any mechanical system, requires routine checks in order to maintain optimal performance and reduce energy expenses. As well as keeping your house toasty warm, an energy efficient furnace will lower energy expenses significantly and save on energy costs over time.

Make it part of your routine maintenance to regularly examine your heating system for signs of wear and tear, leakage or rusting, and unusual noises that might indicate potential problems. Continue to do periodic upkeep tasks such as cleaning air vents and ducts, inspecting outdoor units and testing insulation levels.

4. Professional servicing

Although self-inspection and maintenance can go a long way towards keeping your HVAC system in top shape, always book a professional servicing appointment after winter has concluded. HVAC specialists possess the training and tools required to recognize complex issues that may not be noticeable to untrained eyes.

If you suspect something is amiss with your heating system, don’t hesitate to call in the pros.