5 Best Tips to Prepare Your Child for the First-time of Childcare

5 Best Tips to Prepare Your Child for the First Day of Childcare

As a new parent, preparing your child for the first day of childcare can be daunting. There’s usually a subtle mix of emotion, including happiness and awe. But more essentially, letting your kid out of sight or your care can be overwhelming. But as the rain pounds hard on you, your kid may need your focused attention to prepare them adequately for the first day of childcare. The glad tiding is that it doesn’t have to be an off day for you but a day like any other filled with fun and joy. Here are the best ways to prepare your child for their first day of childcare.

1. Get Your Child Excited

There’s no better way to up your child’s spirit than making them excited for the big day. But first, you must understand the emotional turmoil they’re going through. That’s usually due to the notion that they have to stay away for the best part of the day. Therefore, infuse the idea that they have a lot of fun to expect. Talk best about their teachers and call them by their names. Create a makeshift environment to replicate what they’ll go through in school, and it’ll ease them up pretty fine.

2. Let Them Get Independent

It’d help to let your guard down before they join childcare since you do all the caring for them almost entirely. Let your kid brush their teeth, clean their toys or brush their hair. Most childcare centres in Singapore always encourage parents to let their children be independent to facilitate their decision-making. It’s an essential practice that can yield better learning results at school with positive reinforcement.

3. Talk to Their Teachers

Before giving your child up to a professional, you should schedule prior meet-ups to understand what your child will deal with. That provides you with a picture of the school activities and the overall learning process. As a parent in Singapore, you can enrol your child in one of the most proficient childcare centres by visiting https://www.mindchamps.org/preschool/childcare/. Such childcare centres provide in-depth consultations with parents, allowing you some peace of mind knowing that your child will be in the best care.

5 Best Tips to Prepare Your Child for the First Day of Childcare

4. Practice Early Morning Routines

Before enrolling your kid in childcare, you must create a morning routine to help them familiarise themselves with preparations before the busy day kicks in. Therefore, get them up earlier than they usually do a month before creating a habit. Get them to brush their teeth, hit the showers on time, and take their breakfast without rushing. Be tender since rushing them makes them anxious, and they undoubtedly will curse their days.

5. Drop Them Off Quickly

On the very day you enrol them in school, don’t overstay. Besides, don’t leave too early before handing them to an adult. Either, let them see you going as you wave them a reassuring goodbye since sneaking out can trigger anxiety. That’ll help them transition as they get more familiar with their new learning surroundings.


The first day of childcare can be stressful for you and your child. However, you can alleviate the distress by preparing adequately beforehand. That way, it’d be the polar opposite of what you expected, and your child will love every moment of their first day in their new learning environment.