5 Symptoms of Gum Disease and How To Treat It

5 Symptoms of Gum Disease and How To Treat It

For humans, it is essential to take care of their teeth, gums, and dental health by taking the required measures. Gum disease is also known as periodontitis and results in bacterial growth inside your mouth. It may destroy the tissues around the teeth, and you can lose your teeth too.

Gum inflammation (gingivitis) mostly precedes periodontitis, where gums inflate due to bacteria, and you bleed while brushing teeth. If it is not treated soon, it turns into periodontitis. In the following article, we will read about various symptoms of gum disease and learn how to treat it. Gum disease is a major cause of teeth loss in adults and needs to be stopped in the early stages.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

In most cases, a gum disease progresses without visible signs in the beginning. The symptoms can be gentle at the start, but it does not happen without anything, and you are sure to feel its effects. You will experience various symptoms indicating the disease, leading to heart attacks and diabetes in the future. It is vital to fight periodontitis early, and here are some symptoms of the disease.

Swollen and red gums

Swollen and red gums


One of the basic and first symptoms of the gum disease is red and swollen gums as it starts with causing inflammation along the line of gums. Whenever you floss or brush your teeth, you may feel pain in the gums and even bleed as the gums become tender.

It is the most common symptom, and you need to stay alert about the condition of your gums if you want to diagnose gum disease in the early stages and seek treatment for it before it becomes bigger. Notice and treat the disease before it gets serious and causes more pain and discomfort to you.

Sensitive and aching teeth

If your teeth get sensitive to cold drinks or food, you may have got the periodontitis says the best dentist in Charlotte. This symptom is similar to swollen or receding gums as it exposes the sensitive part of your tooth called dentin. This makes your teeth sensitive to cold air and water both.

You will not be able to enjoy your favorite cold drinks, and ice cream as your teeth will pain as soon as they come in contact with cold food. Just like other symptoms, keep an eye out for sensitive teeth. It doesn’t always happen because of periodontitis but is a major symptom of gum disease.

Gums gradually get smaller than before

Take a look at your teeth in the mirror. If you feel like your teeth are looking longer than normal, then it is your gums that are shrinking and have become smaller than before, which makes your teeth look longer than usual. The gums recede when the bone begins breaking down, and the gum gets separated from the tooth, leaving behind a free pocket of space.

While brushing teeth, if you feel discomfort, check your teeth and gums in the mirror. Any variation from the normal size of teeth may mean that you are suffering from gum disease. Consult a doctor as soon as you notice this issue.

Weak and shifty teeth

When you suffer from periodontitis, it severely attacks your gums and bones that hold your teeth in their original position. Your teeth will move or get loose because of gum disease and divert from its normal position.

It can change the way you smile and even eat because it alters the way your teeth fit when you bite something and close your mouth. Strong dental health is vital so try to act fast if you notice this symptom in you.

Foul breath and pain while chewing food

Another bad and irritating feature of gum disease is it makes your breath foul. There are millions of bacteria in your mouth that feed on plaque, and it increases when you suffer from periodontitis. The bacteria release many toxins that irritate your gums and cause you to have bad smelly breath.

It is a symptom of serious gum disease, and it is advisable that you do not let the disease reach such an advanced stage. Getting it treated early is the best way to save yourself from these dreaded symptoms.

How to treat gum disease?

Visit a reliable dentist at the right time to start with your treatment and cure periodontitis or gum disease. These are some ways with which you can treat it. For a professional diagnosis, you can choose to sort out gum diseases with the dentist chattanooga tn.

Deep in-depth cleaning

The first and most basic treatment is an in-depth cleaning of your mouth and gums. Unlike regular treatments, teeth cleaning in Honolulu will go below your gum line by making use of special equipment and ensuring you achieve and maintain a healthy mouth.

Your dentist will perform scaling that includes scraping off the tartar from the gums. He can also perform root planning to smoothen the rough surfaces on your teeth. Gums will attach to your teeth through this.


There is no specific cure or vaccine for gum disease, but a dentist can prescribe various medications to give you relief and speed up the recovery process.

He may prescribe antiseptic chips, antibiotic gel, enzyme suppressants, oral antibiotics, etc. to provide you comfort and fight the dreaded periodontitis.

Flap surgery

Flap surgery


If a deep cleaning does not have a major effect, then the dentist may have to conduct surgery. In gum graft surgery, the dentist will take tissues from your mouth to cover exposed tooth roots and protect sensitive teeth.

Gum graft surgery

The dentist will lift your gums in this surgery and remove the tartar formed under your gum line. Then, he will stitch back the gum, so it is tight and prevents the formation of tartar on your teeth.

Smile Ville offers professional and high-quality advanced dental care for patients in a nice and friendly atmosphere. Feel free to contact them in case of any service like dental implants, gum disease surgery, teeth whitening, braces, straightening, child dentistry, etc. Visit their website to check out their services.


Taking good care of your oral health is vital for the proper functioning of your body. Gum disease can cause many discomforts to your gums and teeth and prevent you from eating properly.

In this article, we learnt about the symptoms of the disease and how we can treat it. Consult a doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms to stop the disease in the beginning before it spreads.