Bulk Up at Home

5 Tips on How To Bulk Up at Home

Covid-19 has done a number on our gym routines. When you’re used to getting up in the morning and going to the gym, or heading to work after gym, it can be hard to translate that routine to stay-at-home.

As warmer months approach and vaccines roll out, many of us are feeling that summer body panic. But there’s no need to worry because we’ve got some tips for how to bulk up at home.

So you can emerge from quarantine just as fit—or more fit—as you were before!

1. Diet for Muscle Gain 

Any trainer will tell you that bulking for muscle mass begins with diet. Building muscle is a balance between getting enough nutrition and calories to support your muscle growth and working out.

If you don’t get the right kind of nutrition, you risk gaining fat instead of muscle and burning out because you don’t have enough calories to support your workout.

Besides, you can also consider supplement stacks Australia.

5 Tips on How To Bulk Up at Home

2. What to Eat

One pound of muscle requires about 2,800 calories to build. Muscles use a lot of protein, so you have to regularly replenish the protein it takes to build muscle.

Your body also requires carbs for energy, but be careful what kinds of carbs you take in and how often because it can easily turn to stored fat.

It’s not all protein smoothies and carb-loading though. It’s essential to maintain a balanced diet of fruits and veggies.

Make sure you’re getting some of these every meal: 

  • Protein (red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, dairy, or vegan sources)
  • Fruits and vegetables (leafy greens, sweet potato, beans, and lentils)
  • Post-workout carbs (whole grain pasta, rice, potatoes, oats, and quinoa)
  • Healthy fats (avocado, nuts, and coconut oil)
  • lot of water

If you try to get a little of all these components in every meal, you’ll be on your way to muscle gain in no time. Utilize supplements like this SARM to give yourself an additional boost for muscle growth.

3. When to Eat 

What you eat is highly important, but you also want to get the timing right. There’s a lot of debate on when you should eat for weight loss. But for muscle gain, you should eat a small meal every 3 hours.

Make sure to hit each of these meals: 

  • Regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Pre-workout
  • Pre-bed
  • Two snacks in between

By keeping your body in a regular state of sustained, your body will have the calories it needs to keep building muscle even when you’re not actively working out.

4. How to Bulk up at Home Without Weights 

Most of us don’t have the same equipment at home as we would at the gym. You can use bodyweight exercises to bulk at home.

Bodyweight muscle bulk up:

  • Push-ups (all variations of push-ups, including spider-man press-ups and diamond press-ups)
  • Bodyweight dips
  • Walking lunge
  • Squats
  • Bridges
  • Sit-ups and crunches

If you’re worried about form, or you aren’t sure what workouts to do at home, you can utilize a virtual personal trainer session or a workout app that specializes in at-home workouts.

5. Focus on Being Healthy

The most important thing is to focus on being healthy. Don’t overwork yourself, and don’t over-stress diet. This time is stressful and hard on everyone, so go easy on yourself.

If this article helped you learn how to bulk up at home, then view more of our content for lifestyle advice and tips.