Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, also called EMDR, is a leading proof-based treatment for various mental health conditions, including trauma, anxiety, and depression.
You might be familiar with the acronym virtual EMDR therapy, which means eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, in the context of possible treatments for mental health conditions; however, you might be unsure whether or not this kind of therapy would be beneficial for you, mainly when conducted online.
During the epidemic, several providers of mental healthcare began offering a variety of telehealth and online therapies, particularly EMDR, to meet the increased need for COVID-safe mental healthcare.
As a direct consequence of the epidemic, accessibility to online therapy is increasing, and a growing number of patients are receiving the care they require to recover.
This blog answers some of the questions you may have about how online EMDR therapy works and why it might benefit you.
Working On Virtual EMDR Therapy
Virtual EMDR sessions work similarly to in-person therapies; however, your counselor will use various technological tools and resources. Some of the online programs available depend on live video chat and phone calls; however, many counselors utilize a variety of text-based forms of communication during therapy sessions.
Online therapy is rapidly becoming an accessible way to get the treatment you need to heal, even if you live in a location where it’s difficult to access affordable mental healthcare. This option is rapidly growing as more and more people seek mental health help.
Even though in-person EMDR therapy will remain the gold standard for many providers, online therapy will continue to grow as patients seek ways of accessing the care they would otherwise be unable to afford or obtain.
Why Is Virtual EMDR Therapy Beneficial for You?
Many people seek treatment for mental health conditions when the nation has experienced a grid-down event. It has led to an increased demand for mental health care from patients unable to access care due to high costs or lack of availability.
Virtual EMDR sessions are becoming more common to meet this increased demand for COVID-safe clinical programs.
Among other benefits, online therapy services are a cost-effective way to receive care. Although traditional in-person EMDR therapy can cost thousands of dollars, the price of online EMDR sessions is often more in line with your ability to pay.
While you might have concerns about receiving an online therapy session, it’s important to remember that counseling and therapy are just as effective online as they are when conducted in person. These counselors also offer San Diego couples therapy!
While online therapy has many known benefits, please research before committing to any program. Virtual EMDR directly responds to the growing demand for COVID-safe mental health care during a crisis.
This technology, known as EMDR, can help people receive the care they need cost-effectively and effectively. A growing number of providers are offering this kind of care, even in parts of the country with limited access to traditional health services.