Get More Comments on Your YouTube Videos

How to Get More Comments on Your YouTube Videos (Proven Ways)

Are you getting a decent amount of likes on your posts, but still, no one is commenting on your posts?

This is fairly common these days.

Getting likes on YouTube doesn’t take much hard work, but getting comments is super tough.

Especially when you don’t have a loyal audience base or hundreds of good friends on the platform.

But nothing is impossible.

There’s always a way out of any problems. In this post, we’ll be showing you how you can get comments on your YouTube videos easily by using six different tactics that work like a charm.

So without wasting any further time, let’s dive right into it.

6 Ways to Get More Comments on Your YouTube Videos

1. Publish Quality Videos That Provide Value

The main factor that determines whether someone is commenting on your YouTube video or not is the quality of your video.

If you’re producing low-quality videos that don’t add any value to your audience’s life, people are never going to leave a comment on your post.

You have to put your heart and soul into creating top-class videos that are either making your audience laugh or helping them learn something new.

Don’t just post any random videos out of the blue.

Make sure each video that is getting uploaded to your YouTube channel is high quality and better than what’s out there on YouTube.

Quality YouTube videos always get noticed, no matter what.

2. Start And End Your Videos With a Clear CTA (Call-To-Action)

You should have a clear CTA (call-to-action) at the start and end of each of your videos with a clear direction for your audience.

For example, if you want more people to comment on your videos, you can just simply ask your audience if they have found your YouTube video useful or if they agree with what you have to say.

Similarly, if you want to increase your subscriber base, you can simply just ask your audience to subscribe to your channel if they want more of your videos to show up on their feed.

In short: If you want more comments, likes, or even subscribers on your YouTube channel, you just have to ask.

That’s how easy it is. But still, most of the time, people just forget to do this simple and basic thing.

3. Optimize Your YouTube Videos For SEO

For someone to comment on your YouTube video, they would have to first watch it.

And someone won’t be able to watch your video if they don’t know that you and your videos exist.

To encourage people to watch your videos, you would first have to rank on YouTube so that your videos become discoverable.

Here are some of the tips that you can follow to optimize your videos for YouTube SEO and rank higher on YouTube search:

  • Do keyword research and find out keyword ideas that are easier to rank and have a decent search volume.
  • Optimize your video title and description and add your primary keywords there.
  • Add relevant keywords within your tags while uploading videos
  • Create attention-grabbing thumbnails that spark curiosity and encourage people to click on your video.
  • Promote your videos on other social media channels for better reach and watch time.

That’s what you have to do to make your YouTube videos search-friendly and rank higher up on the search results.

4. Reply To All The Comments Quickly

If someone leaves a comment on your video, try to reply to them as quickly as possible.

This shows that you value their opinion and it creates a deeper sense of connection with your audience.

Engagement is a two-way street.

You get what you give.

That’s why replying to your audience’s comments should be your top-most priority, especially when you’re just starting out your journey.

5. Pin The Best Comments

Pinning the best comments is the best growth hack to attract a ton of engagement on your YouTube videos.

Everyone wants to get highlighted.

And when you pin some of your audience’s comments, it encourages them even more to leave a thoughtful comment on your video that will appeal to you.

They would put more effort into crafting the comment because they would know that comments that will grab your attention will get pinned.

6. Host a Giveaway Contest

Giveaways are the best way to drive an insane amount of engagement on your YouTube videos. You can host a giveaway on your YouTube channel and within the giveaway announcement video, you can ask your audience to leave a comment and like the video to enter into the giveaway contest.

Let’s be honest: who doesn’t want free stuff?

Everyone does.

That’s why the majority of your audience will comment on your video to try out their luck and this, in return, will increase your video reach even more.


So these are some of the ways you can use to flood your YouTube videos with genuine comments from your audience.

If you follow all these tips correctly, your audience will be more than happy to leave a comment on your videos.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to put too much effort from your end, you can even buy YouTube comments from a trusted source to fill up your videos with real and genuine comments.