Hands-free fixtures in healthcare institutions have the obvious benefit of reducing touch as a method of transmission.
One of the most valuable factors in improving the quality and length of human lives has been personal cleanliness. Over the previous century, increased hygiene and sterilisation have led to better medicine, allowing us to combat numerous diseases.
Because many diseases transmitted through touch, handwashing is at the forefront of infection prevention strategies. Handwashing is mandatory during or after an operation, as well as before and after a healthcare professional interacts with a patient in the waiting area. To decrease health-care-acquired illnesses, every hospital in the world has made frequent handwashing a regular operating procedure (HAI).
Because the novel coronavirus may be transmitted by touch, the COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the significance of personal hygiene through handwashing. Those who are frequently in situations where the danger of infection is more than usual must do all possible to prevent the spread of diseases. In order to reduce the risk of transmitting illnesses by touching surfaces, it is necessary to reduce the need to touch surfaces.
Aside from improvements in cleanliness, technological advancements help to increase the quality and duration of our lives. While caring for patients, several of these technologies assist healthcare personnel. Sensor plumbing devices, which provide a touchless experience/touchless faucets, are some examples of a product that uses technology to improve cleanliness.
The technology of touchless plumbing/touchless faucets is not new. It has existed for many years. The fact that sensor faucets and flush valves have lasted this long demonstrates that the technology isn’t a fad but rather a future trend.
Touchless plumbing solutions/automatic touchless faucets are more reliable than ever grateful to continuous improvements to manufacturing methods, materials, and mechanisms. Characteristic for a wide range of specific applications created through thoughtful innovation. Many things are the same among healthcare institutions when it comes to plumbing.
Bathroom in general
While healthcare facilities prioritise sanitation, other sections, such as operating rooms, do not need to be as sterile. In common restrooms, however, personal hygiene is equally as vital as human biowaste, which contains among of the highest concentrations of bacteria and organisms that can cause diseases through contact.
Restrooms are even more dangerous since they are used by multiple people throughout the day, who may not keep the place clean effectively, leaving potentially infectious samples everywhere. Touchless faucets/auto sensor faucets are already similar in many types of commercial restrooms because they give a sanitary and quick way to wash hands while also contributing to water-saving because they are metering by design.
Even though automatic touchless faucet are becoming more widespread in bathrooms, there are a few things to keep in mind while selecting the correct sensor faucet for hospital bathroom:
- Installation is simple. Time is a valuable commodity. For the one or two restrooms in a smaller facility like a clinic, an extra few minutes of installing a faucet doesn’t seem like a big deal. When thousands of faucets are installed in a hospital, those more minutes might add up to hours.
Motion Sensor faucet available in traditional designs with a control box below the deck and above-deck versions. Because there is no separate component to put below the sink, an above-deck design can save time during installation.
- Maintenance ease and cost Wear and tear will occur with anything that is used. Moving elements in sensor faucets have a limited lifespan. Taking into account the cost of the parts that need to be changed will save money in the long run. In terms of ease of maintenance, the adage “time is money” applies; faucets that take longer to repair will add up in facilities with many lavatories.
Again, when it comes to repairing or changing components for maintenance, above-deck medical faucet designs often provide simpler access.
- resistance to vandalism. Vandalism at healthcare facilities isn’t always similar, but it’s not unheard of it is hard to know everyone’s temperament when using a certain lavatory in a public restroom.
Another factor to consider is the possibility of inadvertent vandalism. Vandal-resistant characteristics give increased durability, which protects against the unexpected. All-metal construction, armored control cables, and armored water supply lines are all features that contribute to vandal resistance.