
5 Things to Know About Kentucky Car Accident Laws

5 Things to Know About Kentucky Car Accident Laws

Kentucky car accident laws form a complex and crucial framework for anyone residing in or traveling through the state. In-depth knowledge of these laws is indispensable for safeguarding your legal rights and financial interests in the event of an...

Can You Get a DUI Expunged

Can You Get a DUI Expunged? A Legal Guide

Drunk driving is never a smart move. Even when it’s not during working hours, you could seriously injure or even kill another person. A DUI on your record can follow you for the rest of your life and make it increasingly difficult to find...

3 Things to Know About SR22 Insurance

3 Things to Know About SR22 Insurance

Are you wondering what an SR22 is? Are you wondering if you need it? If you’ve had a DUI or if you’re a high-risk driver, you have to have SR22 insurance. If you don’t have it, you’ll face suspension. If you get suspended...