When preparing for the Certified Information Systems Auditor Exam, some people still pay great attention to the value of CISA. Then why does so many people want to pass CISA exam in the world? It must have the charm that other certificates do not have. Let’s listen to the evaluation of other institutions or large companies on Certified Information Systems Auditor.
Recently, due to some potential security risks, enterprises have really realized the importance of information security. For example, data leakage events are frequently exposed by the media (such as the leakage of Target’s customers’ credit card information), and regulators’ requirements for information system security and audit continue to improve. Desire for the professional talents in information system audit,control and security by multinational companies, finance institutions, listed enterprises and professional service organizations is increasing.
The senior management of multinational enterprise Morgan once pointed out that the progress of globalization has further improved the value of CISA certificate, showing that it is a truly internationally recognized certificate. According to the research of Global Knowledge, CISA ranked sixth among the 15 top Paying Certificates in 2016, with an average annual salary of more than 113K. CISA shows the employer that the people who have CISA certificate has comprehensive knowledge of computer software and hardware, has unique sensitivity to network and system security, and has a deep understanding of financial accounting and enterprise internal control.
People who have CISA certificate are one of the highest paid. For a long time, CISA has been at the top of the list with its market value.
– Statistics of Foote Partners information technology skills and certificate salary index in the first quarter of 2015.
CISA is one of the most important certificates for employers to recruit employees. CISA is a prerequisite for the Australian government IRAP certificate.
– Analysis of 2014 UK government Cyber Security Skills report.
The Australian Signals Directorate takes CISA as a necessary certificate for the information security registration assessor project.
The Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) stipulates that suppliers providing computer and computer connection (CTCL) trading software must be audited by auditors with CISA / CISP / ISA / DISA certificates.
Indian Income Tax Department requires all electronic receipt intermediaries to obtain CISA certificate or pass ISA certification.
China’s auditors certified by CISA are distributed in high-end industries such as banking, securities, government, high-end manufacturing and information services, and are increasingly recognized by major domestic enterprises and institutions.
The employment prospect and market of CISA are very broad. Due to the requirements of internal and external supervision (such as Sarbanes-Oxley), multinational enterprises, large financial institutions and Compliance Officer and Risk Manager such as IT Auditor, IS Auditor, IT Internal Control, Security Analyst, Compliance Officer and Risk Manager. At the same time, large accounting firms, such as Sida, have a consulting team specializing in information system audit, control and security services.
Due to the requirements of internal and external supervision (such as Sarbanes-Oxley), multinational enterprises, large financial institutions and listed companies have a certain number of information system audit, control and security positions, such as IT Auditor, IS Auditor, IT Internal Control, Security Analyst, Compliance Officer and Risk Manager. At the same time, large accounting firms (such as Deloitte, PWC, KPMG, BDO, Ernst&young) have a considerable consulting team specializing in information system audit, control and security services.