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Eight Advantages of IPV6 Compared with IPV4

On January 10, 2019, the People’s Bank of China issued the implementation opinions on the financial industry’s implementation of the Action Plan for Promoting the Scale Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). It is proposed that by the end of 2019, the portal of financial service institutions will support IPv6 link access.
MIIT Communication [2018] No. 77 Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Implementing the Action Plan for Promoting the Scale Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).
On November 26, 2017, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council recently issued the Action Plan for Promoting the Scale Deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6), and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to earnestly implement it in light of actual conditions.

The advantages of IPV6 Compared with IPV4:

1. IPv6 has a larger address space. IPv4 specifies that the IP address length is 32, and the maximum number of addresses is 2 ^ 32. The length of IP address in IPv6 is 128, that is, the maximum number of addresses is 2 ^ 128. Compared with 32-bit address space in IPv4, its address space is increased by 2 ^ 128-2 ^ 32.
2. IPv6 uses smaller routing tables. IPv6 address allocation follows the principle of aggregation at the beginning, which enables the router to use an entry to represent a sub-net in the routing table, greatly reducing the length of the routing table in the router, and improving the speed of forwarding packets.
3. IPv6 adds enhanced multicast support and flow control, which gives multimedia applications on the network a great opportunity to develop and provides a good network platform for Quality of Service (QoS) Control.
4. IPv6 adds support for Auto Configuration. This is the improvement and expansion of DHCP protocol, which makes the management of network (especially LAN) more convenient and fast.
5. IPv6 has higher security than IPv4. In the IPv6 network, users can encrypt the data of the network layer and verify the IP message. The encryption and authentication options in IPV6 provide the confidentiality and integrity of the packet. It greatly enhances the security of the network.
6. IPv6 allows expansion. If new technologies or applications require, IPV6 allows the protocol to be extended.
7. IPv6 has better header format. IPV6 uses a new header format, and its options are separated from the basic header. If necessary, the options can be inserted between the basic header and the upper data. This simplifies and speeds up the routing process, because most options do not need to be selected by routing.
8. IPv6 has new options. IPV6 has some new options to implement additional functions.
IPv6 uses two address auto-configuration protocols: Stateless Address Auto-configuration Protocol (SLAAC) and IPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv6). SLAAC does not require the server to manage the address. The host directly calculates the local IPv6 address based on the router notification information in the network and the local MAC address to achieve automatic address configuration. DHCPv6 is managed by the DHCPv6 server. The user host requests and obtains IPv6 addresses and other information from the server to achieve the purpose of automatic address configuration.
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