Let’s find out how to write an English essay in an engaging, vivid and intelligible way. This article is a concentrated experience in writing academic texts. You will learn how to write your thoughts competently because this is a must for anyone who wants to succeed in today’s information-saturated world.
A thousand and one admixture
Every word that cannot carry a semantic load, each long word that you can replace with a short one, each adverb that duplicates the verb standing next to it in its meaning – this is an admixture that will weaken the power of the sentence. In addition, their number is proportional to the education and the status level of the writer.
Write in the reader’s language
Those who think clearly obviously will write clearly; one does not exist without the other. A person with murky thoughts can’t write essays in good language. If you don’t know how to write well, you need an essay example. You can order it on a reliable essay writing service essayshark.com. In this way, you will get an essay that will give you a clear idea of how to write in good language and get a good mark for your paper as a result.
Who said it would be easy?
Writing can be challenging work. A clear and concise phrase is not some kind of accident. Rarely do phrases come out concise and clear the first, second, and even the fourth time. Keep this in mind in moments of despair. In case you find writing your essay difficult, don’t be surprised. It is true.
Brevity is the soul of wit
Just think what President Nixon’s adviser John Dean was able to achieve in an hour or two when he testified on television in the Watergate case. The very next day, all Americans used saying “at this point in time” instead of the usual “now.”
The quality of the essay writing is directly proportional to the amount of harmful little things that the author managed to remove from it.
Get rid of excess
Very few realize how badly they write. No one showed them how much superfluous and muddy seeped into their style and how it prevents the reader from understanding their thoughts. If you give your teacher an eight-page essay and they ask you to cut it down to four, you will be horrified and exclaim that it is impossible. Then you go home and shorten your essay, and it will become much better. Then comes the most difficult part: cutting it down to three pages.
You can cut most drafts by 50 percent without any loss of information or voice.
Write for yourself
As for the question of who you write for, I would like to warn you: don’t try to please anyone. If you deliberately write for a teacher or a publisher, you will end up with no one interested in your essay at all. You will succeed in touching readers to the quick only on the condition that you write for yourself.
You always write primarily to please yourself, and if you enjoy your work, then the readers for whom it makes sense to write will share it with you. Write about the hobbies – cooking, gardening, knitting, photography, antiques, jogging, sailing, reading, scuba diving, birds, and fish.
Also, you can write about the work – teaching, nursing, trading, running a business. Write about what you liked in your student years and what you always dreamed of returning to – about history, geography, art, archeology. There is no subject that will seem too special or too exotic to your readers if you write about it with genuine passion.
How to learn to write?
There is only one way to learn to write – for this, you must force yourself to regularly write down a certain number of words on paper or type on a computer.
Reflect and overcome
The work of a writer is a constant struggle with difficulties. You may encounter them as you ponder where to get the facts and how to organize the material. They can be related to approach and attitude, style, and tone. But whatever the next difficulty, it must be comprehended and overcome.
Unnecessary adverbs
Most adverbs are optional. By choosing a verb with a certain meaning and adding an adverb with the same meaning to it, you litter your phrase and cause legitimate annoyance in the reader. Don’t say that the radio shouted loudly: the word “shout” already implies a significant level of loudness. Do not write that the stranger tightly clenched his teeth: he could not have clenched them otherwise.
Sloppy authors persist in weakening strong verbs with useless adverbs. And this applies not only to verbs but also to adjectives and other parts of speech: “exhaustingly tiring,” “slightly light.”
The text is read with the eyes
The text is perceived visually – the eye reacts to it earlier than the brain. If what you write is broken up into short paragraphs, it seems to be filled with air and looks tempting, and a huge piece of solid text can scare the reader away from even taking the risk.
Colorful facts
Fact and color were supposed to be two different ingredients. But this is not so: the facts have their own flavor. Your goal is to tell the reader colorful facts.
Captain obvious
The reader plays an important role in the process of writing, and they need to be given enough space for this game. Don’t annoy the reader with unnecessary explanations; do not tell them what they already know or what they can guess. Try to avoid introductory words like “oddly,” “obviously,” and “it goes without saying” – they evaluate the fact before it is available to the reader.
Use quotes
Whatever genre of writing you choose, the liveliness of your writing will be directly proportional to the number of quotations you can insert into it.
Use these tips, and you will improve your English essay writing!