If you want to pursue your dream career, you must be honest. Similarly, if you want to be a good and efficient student, you must not compromise your honesty. The thing that can damage your reputation and question your academic honesty is called plagiarism.
Many students use professional editing services to remove plagiarism from their assignments. You can avail of the best essay editing service from reliable essay editors online if you struggle with plagiarism.
But before hiring any professionals, ensure you understand the importance of avoiding plagiarism. This article will help you comprehend that and offer you a handful of suggestions to keep plagiarism issues away from your text. So, keep reading.
Why is Avoiding Plagiarism Important?
Plagiarism is an issue of academic dishonesty. It is the act of a writer submitting copied work with the intent to profit from that theft. This is valid whether you’re submitting a paper for a class in hopes of receiving an “A” or whether you work as a writer and anticipate getting paid.
As a writer, avoiding plagiarism is crucial since it jeopardizes your integrity. It could prevent you from getting vital professional recommendations and moving up the job ladder. You can lose leadership opportunities or scholarships if you’re still in school for committing plagiarism.
Additionally, it deprives the work’s original creator of credit or financial gain, which could put you in additional difficulty if the source sues you.
Ways to Avoid Plagiarism while Rewriting a Paper
Here are the easiest ways to remove plagiarism from your text. If you follow all these suggestions, you can easily rewrite any content without traces of plagiarism. So, let’s have a look –
- Stick to Your Own Idea
If you are wondering how to rewrite a paper without plagiarizing, stop parroting the ideas and words from the source. Instead, use your own mind and explore the topic. Note down what you have to say about it. Do you want to become a shadow of your reference texts? If not, find out your eccentric perspectives or views so that the content can add some extra value to the database.
But what will you do if you need to write multiple academic assignments on the same topic? Usually, students get tempted and repeat their words or ideas in these circumstances. But you can’t reuse your previous work in a present assignment because it comes under self-plagiarism.
Self-plagiarism also breaks the ethical laws of university assignment writing. In other words, it’s nothing but academic dishonesty.
You can easily avoid that by being self-conscious while writing the paper. Try to use different examples and read more books on the same topic to understand how you can avoid self-plagiarism. Also, don’t forget to cite your previous work in the present task.
- Cite All Sources Properly
You must always cite the original author clearly in the text or footnotes whenever you use a quote or paraphrase. Each citation needs to point to a complete reference in your paper’s reference list or bibliography.
It’s the best way to avoid plagiarism. Also, citing sources will help your readers to find original source if they look for more information.
There are numerous citation formats, each with specific guidelines. APA, MLA, and Chicago are a few popular formats. You might be given a specific style to employ by your teacher, or you might have a choice. Applying a single style consistently across the content is crucial.
- Give Importance to Research
Carefully consider your research process. You should get your research going as soon as possible and allow yourself adequate time to locate, assess, and arrange your sources. Additionally, you ought to maintain track of your sources and jot down the details you require. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and specify in your notes if you take ideas from the source.
- Add Quotations
Placing quote marks around someone else’s exact words is known as quoting. In addition to demonstrating respect and acknowledging the original author, quoting is a legitimate approach to back up your arguments and assertions.
However, quoting should only be done sparingly and purposefully, never in place of your own thoughts and voice. Only quote when it is impossible to paraphrase the original words without changing their tone or meaning or when they are extremely significant, potent, or distinctive. When using a quote, remember to credit the author and incorporate it into your own sentences and paragraphs.
- Try Paraphrasing
If your paraphrasing goes wrong, your paper can be marked as plagiarized, and you must not entertain that. So, make sure you understand what paraphrasing is before doing it. That is not paraphrasing; if you just omit a few words or phrases from a previously published text. It’s something else.
When paraphrasing, you have to write your understanding of the author’s points of view in your own words. So, you need to format and structure your paper in a way that doesn’t match the main text. But one thing you must not forget. You are using one’s idea, and that’s why you need to cite the source properly.
- Use a Trustworthy Plagiarism Checker
As students are the worst victims and it’s crucial to remove all the traces of plagiarism, most universities use dynamic plagiarism checkers, such as Turnitin, to detect the trails of plagiarism. But before you use a plagiarism-checking tool, you must understand how it works.
Here’s an example for you –
Step 1 – The tool will scan your text.
Step 2 – It will compare your work with every online and offline page.
Step 3 – It will highlight every sentence or phrase that matches with others’ works.
While researching a topic, it can happen that you might have used some words or phrases in your paper that matches the research source if you don’t cite them properly. You know it’s unintentional, but your professors will not believe that. So, using a powerful plagiarism checker before submitting your paper will always be helpful.
If anything matches your text, you will know from the highlighted results and can easily remove them.
There are various hassle-free plagiarism checkers available online that you can use for free.
Bottom Line
Please implement all these guidelines if you want your rewritten content 100% plagiarism-free. All the best for your upcoming assignment!