How Much Pain And Discomfort Should Be Expected While Doing Extr

How Much Pain And Discomfort Should Be Expected While Doing Extraction?

Teeth can be impacted by several issues, from cavities and gum disease to toothaches. In some cases, a trip to the dentist is all that is necessary for a solution.

If the issue is not severe, your dentist may be able to repair and save the tooth by performing a root canal. However, there are times when the tooth is beyond repair, and extraction of the tooth is the only way to solve the problem.

Of course, some level of pain is expected. So patients who are considering teeth extraction should be aware of the possible pain and discomfort they will experience.

So to know exactly how much pain and discomfort can patients expect during an extraction, we got in touch with Permadent’s team of dentists in Torrance, CA.

Types of Extractions and Pain

The amount of pain involved during extraction depends on how the tooth was extracted.

For eg, if you had your tooth extracted using a simple extraction, your pain will be minimal and won’t last long.

In a simple extraction, dentists use local anesthesia to numb the area and pull out the teeth with forceps after using a tool called an elevator to loosen it first.

You will feel some pressure while the tooth is being pulled out but experience minimal or no pain. Once the anesthesia wears off, you will have to take pain medication for 1-2 days as the wound heals itself.

On the other hand, if your dentist had to extract the tooth surgically, the level of pain and discomfort expected is similar but tends to last longer.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia and you will feel almost no discomfort as the tooth is taken out piece by piece. But the healing process is longer and you will have to take pain medication for at least 4-5 days.

Usually, surgical extraction is used to remove impacted wisdom teeth. Since they are the back of your mouth, you may have trouble opening and closing your mouth for the first few days after surgery causing some discomfort while speaking or eating food.

In some rare cases, patients experience a painful condition known as dry socket after extracting their tooth if the newly formed blood clot over the wound displaces itself.

In such cases, your dentist can prescribe stronger painkillers and dress the wound to minimize your discomfort. You can discuss this further with the reliable dentist in lumberton and feel more comfortable about the procedure.

Tips To Minimize Discomfort and Pain

There are various ways to minimize the pain and make the extraction experience as convenient as possible. Most people find that over-the-counter pain medication is effective in alleviating any discomfort. But in some cases, prescription medication may also be necessary to control pain.

Using a cold compress several times a day can help numb the area and reduce your discomfort. You may also find relief by drinking cold water or eating only soft foods for the first few days.

You should always follow your dentist’s instructions for taking care of the surgical site to ensure a quick and successful healing process and minimize the pain.

Looking for a dentist for tooth extraction in Torrance, CA who can make your extraction go as smoothly as possible? Visit Permadent right away to schedule your appointment.