online phishing

How to Protect Yourself from Online Phishing

As days pass by, online scammers are becoming more intelligent and their methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated. There are so many hackers targeting vulnerable users online, and everyone needs to understand how to protect themselves from online phishing attacks. Phishing is a type of cyber-attack that attempts to steal sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, credit card details, and other confidential information. Below are some of the steps on how to protect yourself from phishing attacks.

Understand how Phishing Works.

A basic understanding of phishing is necessary to safeguard against phishing threats. Phishing occurs when someone attempts to gain access to your private or confidential information by sending deceptive emails or website links. The most typical way to commit phishing is through email phishing, which involves sending emails to the targeted users containing malicious links or attachments.

Understand the Difference between URLs

It is important to be able to differentiate between a legitimate and a malicious site. Before typing in a website URL, pay close attention to where it is linking to. Malicious websites often will include typo squatting schemes, which are very similar to the address of legitimate sites, with a few minor differences added. For example, the address may consist of differences like using the letter O instead of a 0 (zero). Checking and double-checking before entering your information is always a safe practice. Make sure to look for the https part of the website URL; webpages with this protocol embedded into their structure have an SSL certificate, which encrypts data traveling to and from the website. If you have sensitive data, make sure that it has SSL protection.

Avoid Public Wi-Fi Networks.

Public networks leave you especially susceptible to online fraud. If you must use a public Wi-Fi network, always look for SSL protection before submitting what site you’re visiting and connection details. Avoid accessing financial sites when on a public network, as you never know what type of malicious activity it could harbor.

Don’t Open Suspicious Emails or Attachments

Be suspicious of emails, applications, websites, and links you need to recognize as legit. Malicious emails are often disguised as coming from a reputable source such as your bank or other financial institutions, so even if it looks real, do not open it. The same goes for attachments; even if it seems like legitimate files, always make sure it is from a safe and verified source before opening.

Keep the Information Private on Social Media.

Social media websites are a hotbed for online phishing attempts. Make sure that you avoid providing too much data on social platforms, such as birthdates, addresses, and financial information. Posting these can make it easier for phishers to fool you into thinking their malicious messages are authentic.

Download Legitimate Software

Downloading software that is not legitimate can result in random malware and viruses which can spread malicious phishing attempts. When installing new software on your computer or phone, always make sure that it is from a legitimate source. Also, make sure the software has been tested and is malware-free. Also, ensure your antivirus and anti-malware are always up to date.

Verify the Sender

Before clicking on any email links or downloading any attachments, verify the sender by checking to ensure the email address matches the person’s online presence. Fake accounts can be easily spoofed, so if you are suspicious, research before taking action.

Use Secure Passwords

Creating complex and unique passwords is vital to protecting yourself from phishing. Make sure all your passwords are at least 8 characters long, and use an entanglement of letters, capitals, numbers, and symbols. Additionally, use a password manager to help you better remember your passwords.

Always Check the URL of Online Shopping Sites

Always double-check the URL of online shopping sites, especially during checkout, to make sure it is the right website. Ensure the URL begins with “HTTPs,” indicating that it is a secure site and that they are using encryption to protect your information. Also, make sure it displays a padlock icon, another indicator that the website is secure.

Use Software That Recognizes Phishing Sites

Programs like anti-phishing software can detect and block threats from suspicious users and sites to safeguard personal data. Protecting against cyber threats requires keeping software updated. Investing in anti-virus tools can assist in recognizing and hindering malicious activities on your computer. Make sure to keep your antivirus software up to date as it will help in protecting against the latest threats.

Read Privacy Policies

Peruse and comprehend the privacy guidelines for each online platform, application, or tool you use. Gaining insight into data utilization and security requires comprehension of their practices.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Verifying user identity demands several actions with MFA. Two-factor authentication for all accounts offers robust security measures. Additional verification is necessary to safeguard accounts from unwanted access. Multi-factor authentication requires a second layer of authentication beyond just the username/password combination, making it far more secure than a simple username/password.

Never Give out Personal Information.

Legitimate organizations will never request that you send them your confidential information via email or text message. If you get an email requesting your personal information, make sure to first confirm the source before responding. A credible source will have its contact information easily available on its website.

Be wary of Unusual Messages.

Most phishing scams come in the form of unsolicited emails, SMS messages, counterfeit web pages, and sometimes deceptive social media posts. Suspect offers that seem suspiciously low. Be wary of messages or emails soliciting your personally identifiable information. If you obtain dubious communications, refrain from clicking on any attachments and eradicate the message promptly.

With the increase of online phishing most of the students might be scared of falling into the phishing traps while seeking online help or browsing online. However, with some guidance on how to cheat on a proctored exam, students can gain some hacks on how to avoid falling into phishing traps.


Avoiding cyber phishing threats is feasible by consistently implementing the techniques mentioned above. With the above-mentioned practices, you can significantly reduce the chances of being a phishing scam victim. Investing time in understanding phishing tactics and detecting evolving security hazards will help ensure your digital security.