How to Store Your Films Safely

How to Store Your Films Safely

The film, an incredible invention, has given us the power to capture and revisit moments long after they’ve passed. However, these celluloid memories are delicate, requiring careful handling and proper film storage to maintain their condition over time.

The Risks of Improper Film Storage

Improper storage of films can lead to various kinds of damage, with potential effects ranging from mild discoloration to catastrophic decay. These films aren’t just strips of celluloid; they are containers of precious memories that risk being lost forever due to improper care.

One example of the adverse effects of improper storage is the ‘vinegar syndrome,’ a film deterioration process in which the celluloid’s acetate base decomposes, producing a vinegar odor and eventually leading to the film becoming brittle, shrunk, and unusable.

If films are stored improperly over a long period, the deterioration process accelerates. Humidity can cause the emulsion to soften and stick together, while exposure to heat can lead to color fading. Each year, the chances of successfully rescuing these deteriorated films diminish.

Best Practices for Film Storage

  • The key to proper film storage lies in controlling environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and light. As a rule of thumb, films should be stored in a cool and dry place. A consistent temperature of around 10-20°C (50-68°F) and a relative humidity of 20-50% is recommended.
  • Light, especially sunlight, can be incredibly damaging to film. It’s best to store your films in a dark place or at least away from direct sunlight. Films should also be kept in protective cases or sleeves to protect them from dust and potential physical damage.
  • Proper labeling and organization are crucial aspects of film storage. It’s not just about preserving the films but also being able to find and enjoy them. Label each film reel or box clearly with details like dates, events, or people involved. This not only helps you easily locate specific memories but also provides context to future generations who might inherit these precious mementos.

My personal film storage routine involves periodically unspooling and rewinding my films to prevent them from sticking together. It’s a little time-consuming, but it provides a great opportunity to check the films’ condition and sneak in a memory or two!

When to Ask for Professional Help

Even with our best efforts, there might be times when it’s necessary to seek professional help. If your films show signs of severe decay or have been exposed to unfavorable conditions for a long period, it might be time to consider a film conversion service. These professionals can digitize your films, giving them a new lease on life and ensuring their longevity in a format that’s immune to physical decay.


Proper film storage is about more than preserving celluloid strips; it’s about safeguarding our personal history. It’s about ensuring our precious memories are available to us and future generations. With the right storage practices and care, our films can continue transporting us back in time, offering a tangible connection to our past and a priceless heirloom for the future.