How To Word Your Wedding Invite If You Are Hosting The Wedding At Your Home.

How To Word Your Wedding Invite If You Are Hosting The Wedding At Your Home.

Organizing a wedding is a very meticulous task that requires a lot of effort and time with all the hands you can have on the deck to make it the best day possible. The work and effort just increase when you know that the wedding has to take place at your home and you are the host. You have to look after every last detail to make the ceremony as majestic as you want it to be. Though there are many challenges involved in hosting a wedding, there are also a lot of benefits included in it. Properly creating space might be challenging but doing this at a place where you are comfortable with all your sentiments and sense of belonging makes it special.

The different aspects that need to be addressed

  • Not one, but there are many aspects that need special attention when you are hosting a wedding at home. Usually, the homes we live in are not meant to accommodate large gatherings or organize events that involve a large number of guests. making space in order to accommodate all of you in such a way that all of them are comfortable and really enjoy the location you have to move out of your comfort zone and create a space that does the work. Inviting all your guests and not being able to accommodate them in your home space might result in a disaster. There needs to be proper planning that involves the optimal number of guests at your home during the event. For this, you can look for wedding invitation ideas beforehand to select the invitation that you are finalizing. Once your invitation is selected, you can send them to the guests who you are expecting on the day. This will help you in having an exact count of people you can expect on the day.
  • It is natural that all the guests who are attending the event will have a vehicle to park. Since the housing spaces around them do not have such big parking spaces, you have to look for different transport modes’ availability and proper parking space for all your guests. You can mention the different modes by which the guest can reach your place so that day knows about other ways to come and go to the event. You can also mention the closest station or availability of Uber around your place, which can suggest people avoid bringing their personal vehicles and save you some space.
  • When you are hosting a wedding at your home, decoration is a big aspect that needs to be tackled properly. The space you have is limited. Hence a grand decoration might eat up the space required for your gift to Comfortably move around. So you have to choose subtle decorations that look good and still leave you with enough space for your event.

All about invitations

When you are planning so much for hosting a wedding at your home, invitations play a big part in giving an insight to the gas about what they can expect. You can also mention what you need them to do when you are expecting their presence in a very polite way. For this, you have to work on the wording that you are going to choose for your wedding invitations. Even the theme of invitation cards, like the Color code, can be conveyed through your invitations. For instance, Black and gold wedding invitations would mean that you have a black and gold-themed party. You can convey many things directly to the guests by choosing the right words. Especially when you are hosting a wedding at your home, you have to choose your words wisely.

Let us go through certain examples shared by experts of wording your wedding invite when you have an at home wedding-

  1. One method is where you can write a formal invitation using the words “you are cordially invited to” or “We request the honor of your presence,” Followed by the address of your home where you are organizing the event. This is a more formal approach to the whole invitation. For this, you have to think thoroughly about the exact wording that you are looking for. If you are looking for a traditional invitation, then this is the kind of a template you would like to follow.
  2. The Other method is a little informal but much more catchy than the formal ones. It involves a lot of play with words that demand the reader’s attention, and you can also mention what you want the guests to do at the wedding informally. For instance, you can start by writing “you are not invited”. You can then carry on and mention that you are expecting them as family members at your home where you want your loved ones to attend the wedding. This way, you are giving them the responsibility of being a family member to be thoughtful and become a part of a close family function. This would definitely make them feel much happier.