Is Your Website a Ghost Town

Is Your Website a Ghost Town? The 20 Haunting SEO Mistakes You Might Be Making

In the digital age, a website’s visibility on search engines can make or break its success. However, many websites struggle to attract visitors, turning them into virtual ghost towns. The culprit often lies in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) mistakes. This article uncovers 20 common SEO errors that might be haunting your website, their impacts, and the solutions to rectify them.

Mistake 1: Ignoring Mobile Optimization


With most online searches now on mobile devices, they need to be optimised for mobile results in better user experience and lower search engine rankings.


Make sure your website adapts well to various screen sizes and loads swiftly on mobile devices. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool for evaluation and improvements.

Mistake 2: Overlooking Meta Descriptions


Meta descriptions, while not a ranking factor, significantly influence click-through rates. Neglecting them can result in missed traffic opportunities.


Craft engaging meta descriptions for every page, integrating pertinent keywords for optimal impact and a call to action.

Mistake 3: Keyword Stuffing


Overusing keywords makes content unreadable and can trigger search engine penalties, leading to lower rankings.


Focus on creating natural, valuable content. Use keywords strategically and sparingly.

Mistake 4: Ignoring Local SEO


For businesses serving local areas, paying attention to Overlooking local SEO could result in the exclusion of a substantial customer base.


Optimise for local search by maintaining an up-to-date Google My Business profile, acquiring local backlinks, and including local keywords in your content.

Mistake 5: Skipping Alt Text for Images


Not using alt text for images misses a key SEO opportunity and makes your site less accessible.


Add descriptive alt text to all images, incorporating relevant keywords where appropriate.

Mistake 6: Not Using Header Tags Effectively


Poor use of header tags can make content hard to follow for readers and search engines, affecting user engagement and SEO.


Utilise H1, H2, and H3 tags to structure your content logically. Include keywords in headers, but keep them relevant and natural.

Mistake 7: Neglecting Quality Backlinks


Lacking high-quality backlinks can significantly hinder your website’s authority and search engine rankings.


Make a complete SEO Backlinks Strategy and concentrate on acquiring backlinks from well-established and trustworthy websites in your niche. Guest blogging, creating shareable content, and engaging in online communities can help.

Mistake 8: Forgetting About Page Speed


Slow-loading pages leads to high bounce rates and poor user experience, negatively impacting your SEO.


Optimise images, leverage browser caching and minimise HTTP requests to improve page loading times. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights for guidance.

Mistake 9: Creating Duplicate Content


Duplicate content confuses search engines and can dilute your website’s search rankings.


Regularly audit your site for duplicate content and ensure each page has unique, valuable content—Utilise canonical tags where necessary.

Mistake 10: Inconsistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone) Information


Inconsistent NAP details across the web can damage your local SEO and credibility with search engines.


Maintain consistency in your business’s name, address, and phone number and update across all online platforms and directories.

Mistake 11: Ignoring Social Media Integration


Not integrating social media can mean missing out on significant referral traffic and engagement opportunities.


Incorporate social sharing buttons into your website, allowing users to share your content across diverse social media platforms effortlessly.

Mistake 12: Failing to Update Content Regularly


Outdated content can make your site seem irrelevant or unreliable, negatively impacting search rankings and user trust.


Consistently refresh your website with up-to-date and relevant content. Revise older posts to keep them current.

Mistake 13: Neglecting Analytics and Performance Tracking


Not tracking your site’s performance can close your eyes to its SEO strengths and weaknesses.


Use tools like Google Analytics to regularly monitor your website’s traffic, bounce rates, and other key performance indicators.

Mistake 14: Poor Site Architecture and Navigation


Complex navigation makes it hard for users and search engines to find content, leading to poor user experience and SEO.


Design a simple, intuitive site structure. Ensure that all necessary pages are easily accessible through clear menus and links.

Mistake 15: Not Utilizing Internal Linking


A lack of internal links can result in missed SEO opportunities and a less cohesive user experience.


Strategically incorporate internal links to guide users to related content, improving navigation and distributing page authority throughout your site.

Mistake 16: Ignoring Structured Data and Schema Markup


Failing to use structured data and schema markup can make your content less visible in rich search results, impacting click-through rates.


Implement structured data markup to help search engines better understand and display your content in rich snippets.

Mistake 17: Not Optimizing for Voice Search


With the rise of voice assistants, ignoring voice search optimisation can mean missing out on a growing search traffic segment.


Optimise for conversational keywords and phrases, and ensure your local SEO is robust to capture local voice searches.

Mistake 18: Overlooking User Experience (UX)


Poor user experience can lead to high bounce rates and low engagement, negatively impacting SEO.


Design your website with the user in mind. Focus on readability, easy navigation, and a clean design. Regularly gather and incorporate user feedback.

Mistake 19: Using Low-Quality or Irrelevant Content


Content that doesn’t provide value or relevance to your audience can damage your site’s credibility and search engine rankings.


Create high-quality, relevant content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests. Focus on adding value through your content.

Mistake 20: Not Considering Search Intent


You must align your content with user search intent to avoid poor relevance and engagement, affecting your SEO performance.


Recognize the various types of search intent (informational, navigational, transactional, and commercial) and customize your content to align with these specific intents.


Addressing these 20 SEO mistakes can dramatically change your website’s online presence. By focusing on mobile optimisation, structured data, user experience, and aligning with search intent, among other factors, you can effectively turn your website from a ghost town into a bustling hub of engagement and activity. Stay updated with the latest SEO trends and best practices to enhance your website’s performance and reach continually.

Writer Bio:

Neha Shafiq– a certified SEO copywriter, affiliate marketing consultant, and on-page SEO specialist helping businesses establish and sustain their online presence. Cutting to the chase, my love of words and writing started almost from the time I first began to read. Over the years, I’ve gone from reading other people’s words to writing my own, which, luckily, people like to read. I feel proud to count myself as a Splash Sol Tech writer – a team that empowers its writers to grow, thrive, and achieve milestones together. I work here as a web copywriter and love the freedom I get.