Running Your First Marathon After A Long Period Of Inactivity

Running Your First Marathon After A Long Period Of Inactivity: 4 Ways To Prevent Injury

When people decide to start getting fitter, they often set themselves an ambitious goal to work towards. Running a marathon is one of the most common goals set by people who want to improve their fitness, and running, in general, can be an excellent way to improve heart and overall health and stamina.

Running a marathon is a tough goal and one that should not be undertaken lightly. You’ll need to prepare appropriately and give yourself smaller targets to hit along the way or risk becoming unmotivated or injured. For instance, you might include targets of running non-stop for ten, twenty and thirty minutes or use smaller distance targets like a 5k, 10k and 15k run.

Give Yourself Plenty Of Time

If you’re hoping to get to the level of marathon running after an extended period of inactivity, you should give yourself plenty of time to achieve your goal. This is particularly vital if the reason for your past inactivity was related to illness or injury. There are training plans available that can help you get marathon ready from anywhere from a couple of months to a year plus. It all depends on your current fitness level, which is the base you’re building up from.

Learn How To Care For Your Muscles

Knowing the right things to do and – crucially – avoid after running can be invaluable in helping you prepare for an injury-free marathon. Muscle pain is normal and common after workouts and marathon training, but many people still don’t understand the right ways to treat their muscles that will improve performance and increase muscle mass. There are many ways you can care for your muscles after your runs so that nothing can stand in the way of your goals. Check out this muscle recovery advice from Flex Wheeler for an excellent starting point.

Invest In Quality Gear

Your running gear is essential for injury prevention, and none more so than your running shoes. These should fit well and be supportive and comfortable. You don’t need to spend big money on your shoes, as there are some quality trainers available from reputable budget brands. What is important is that they’re suited to your training regimen and specific requirements. It may help to discuss the options available at a sporting goods shop and get advice about the best fit for your goals and needs.

Know When To Stop

Resting is just as important as training when working up to a major event like a marathon. You should include gentler, low-impact exercise in your routine to give your joints a break while continuing to build physical fitness. Rest days are also critical to allow your body time to recover and avoid putting too much stress on your body. You should also listen to the signals you get from your body, particularly if you experience pain or unusual sensations.


Preventing injury is crucial whenever you undertake a physical challenge. For exceptional challenges like marathons, you must take every precaution throughout your preparation to help you succeed. Everyone is different, so try not to measure your success against others and take things in your own time. Push yourself, but also understand when you should stop and rest.