Scrabble App Alternatives You Never Knew You Needed

Scrabble App Alternatives You Never Knew You Needed

Are you looking for alternative options for Scrabble on your phone? The classic game can be fun to play as it doesn’t pressure you to make your turn with a time limit, but sometimes it can be monotonous. And the ads every time you take your turn can be downright annoying. While there are many alternatives to Scrabble in both the App Store and Google Play, most of them aren’t playable!

So we collated the best alternatives in the business so you won’t go through the dreadful process of identification and elimination. Most of the apps are available through iOS and Android, and we’ve tried our best to choose those that are free! So hold on to your hats and download these alternatives quickly!

Words With Friends 2

Words With Friends is popular with groups and Facebook friends because the game pits players with the best in their circle. In its third iteration, the game is now better than ever. The previous iterations are hits themselves, so it goes on without saying that the latest is also a great alternative to Scrabble if that’s what you’re looking for.

Words With Friends 2 is now outfitted with PvP mode, solo player mode, and other nifty features, which makes it more intuitive. The app itself loads smoothly and arguably one of the best-maintained apps in this alternative list. If you’re stuck on a turn, a scrabble word finder may help. After all, Words With Friends 2 is basically Scrabble, but more social!


Lexica is only available for Android devices, but as a Scrabble alternative, this one takes the cake for being creative and out there. With Lexica, you don’t take turns putting words; rather, you are given 3-30 minutes to find as many words as you can from a grid of letters. Think about the classic Windows game Bookworm, without the creepy worm judging you.

You’ll need to take on letter grids at each level. Once you advance, it becomes harder to form words, and you’ll need to use hints in order to survive. This will train your brain to make do with whatever letters you are given, and its a good training game for when you’re up against expert players in Scrabble.


WordFeud does exactly what its name sounds. A 30-million strong community welcomes you as you go on challenging random people on a pool of active users. It’s a puzzle game where a group of players tries to one-up each other with words using a classic Scrabble board. You’ll earn points based on how you use your tiles, just like in Scrabble!

One of the best parts about WordFeud is that players have the ability to change the board, meaning you can determine where the Double Word, Double Letter, and Triple Word boxes will be placed. Exciting, right? There are also dictionaries embedded in the game itself so you can easily look up an unfamiliar word.

Classic Words Solo

If you want a simpler Scrabble alternative, Classic Words Solo is the app to download. There is something to be said about the app’s lack of gaming modes, but in its most organic, it highlights your ability and skill to create words. And that’s where the magic really happens, doesn’t it?

You can pass and play with other players, and for those who just need something to do – especially when you’re stuck in an airport with friends – this game is the perfect tool to pass the time! There are six difficulties on the app, support for at least six languages, and letter shuffling. Trust us when we say, if you want to train, this is the perfect companion app.


Although an entire entity in itself, Boggle is a great Scrabble alternative because it lets you have fun with friends and be competitive about it. The classic Word Factory game gets a digital makeover with Boggle, but the rules are still the same. You compete against friends and put down as many words as you can from a letter grid.

The timer is still at 3 minutes, but there are options to lengthen it depending on what you agreed upon. With Boggle, you can also play with random people on the Internet. So be ready to be in in order to beat the best!


These Scrabble alternatives will take out the monotony of playing the game, especially when you’re waiting for your opponent to take their turn. So free up some space on your phone and try these games out! They’re best to play at the end of the day when you’re chilling waiting for dinner! Enjoy!