The Simple Reasons Why Two Wheels Are Better Than Four.

The Simple Reasons Why Two Wheels Are Better Than Four.

If you have to decide your mode of transport when it comes to getting yourself to work and back home again then you have a hard decision to make because you have so many different types of transport to choose from and so it has made it incredibly confusing instead of easier. Many people quickly discard the notion of purchasing a motorcycle and this is their very first mistake. We always complain that driving the car to work consumes a lot of fuel every single day and then there is the road tax and general maintenance to take care of as well. You also have to take out insurance which seems to be getting more expensive every single year and so hopefully this has provided you with some food for thought.

The above reasons are why many people are choosing to opt for two wheels rather than four and why they are choosing affordable and quality Yamaha motorbikes. If you are an environmentally aware kind of person then you will know that driving a motorcycle to work will cut down immensely on your overall carbon footprint and so not only will you be arriving at work on time every single day but you will also be doing your bit for the environment as well. This seems to be a win-win situation for everyone and so the following are just some of the simple reasons why two wheels are always better than four.

  • Back in touch with nature – When you are stuck inside your car, you never really get to see the countryside that surrounds you because the corner posts on the windscreen obstruct your view. If you live in a particularly hot climate like we do here in Australia then we very rarely roll down the windows because we want to keep our air conditioning cool inside. On a motorcycle however, you have the wind in your face and the sun on your back and it gives you a real opportunity to not only look around your environment but also to breathe it in and to really experience it as well.
  • Your stress levels will reduce – If you have ever driven to work in your car before then you will know and understand the frustrations of being stuck in a traffic jam that seems to go on forever. Even though you got up an hour early and you set off on time, you never seem to be able to get to work at a reasonable hour. However, you do remember the many motorcycles weaving in and out of the traffic jam and making their way to the top of the queue with ease. This could be you and this will dramatically reduce your stress and exact levels.

These are the two top reasons why you really do need to consider purchasing two-wheeled transport instead of four wheels. It’s going to save you an incredible amount of money over the year because the road tax is cheaper, the insurance is cheaper and it costs very little to fill up the petrol tank.