Things you must avoid after Botox treatment

Things you must avoid after Botox treatment

The Pacific states in the USA, of which Washington is a part, reported 924,399 Botox surgeries in 2020. Undoubtedly, this minimally cosmetic procedure is popular in the states and cities like Bellevue.

And why not? Glabellar frown lines, neckbands, crow’s feet, sagging brow, downturned nasal tip, Marionette lines, and forehead creases do hurt your youthful appearance. You are frustrated every time you stare at the mirror.

However, it doesn’t have to be way, not since there are options like getting Botox in Bellevue WA, which promise quick, efficient, and promising results. Book an appointment, get treatment in an area of your choice, and witness the results after a few hours.

However, you must avoid certain things to enjoy the benefits, as any medical professional will tell you. Here are some of those.


It is better to wait for a few days or perhaps even a week before consuming alcohol after a Botox treatment. The top reason is that it thins the blood, which increases the chances of receiving a bruise around the area recently treated.

If you tend to bruise easily, it’s crucial to keep this in mind. Some people also feel mild drowsiness and dizziness after a procedure, both of which could be worsened by liquor intake. You might even notice swelling if you consume alcohol immediately after the treatment, as it widens the blood vessels. Your physician will tell you the specific time after which you can safely enjoy drinking post-treatment.

Things you must avoid after Botox treatment


You might be tempted to exercise immediately after receiving Botox, but it’s best to avoid the temptation, primarily because of three reasons.

The first is the excessive pressure it places on the injection area. Your healthcare professional will advise you against touching your face for the first four to six hours after the procedure. You will feel your face sooner or later during the workout, which might unnecessarily pressure it.

Increased blood flow is another reason for avoiding activity after Botox, as it might cause numbness around the injected area, along with swelling and bruising.

Moreover, exercising after a procedure could cause the Botox to move or migrate because too much movement is inevitable during the workout. Doctors recommend people wait at least 24 hours before engaging in any significant physical activity to enjoy the best results without any discomfort or unwanted side effects.

Avoiding the sun

You might want to flaunt your new appearance after getting Botox, but it’s advisable to avoid stepping out into the sun as much as you can. Excessive sun exposure will prevent the optimum healing of the treated area, cause flushing and even increase your blood pressure sometimes.

Tanning beds, saunas, hot tubs, and baths are other things you should stay away from at least for a few days after being injected. Most professionals suggest you wait for a day or two before heading out into the sunlight or exposing yourself to any other kind of heat exposure.

Blood thinners

You might want to avoid anticoagulants or blood thinners after getting Botox, including Heparin, Dabigatran, Edoxaban, and Enoxaparin. Doctors also recommend people to stay away from Aspirin and painkillers like ibuprofen because they increase the risk of bleeding. If you have to, it is better to wait before taking any of the above medicines.

These are some of the things you might want to avoid after getting Botox in Bellevue, WA to ensure you receive the best results while avoiding any side effects at the same time. It’s the best way to regain your youthful appearance and get rid of unwanted lines and wrinkles.