Thinking to schedule new furnace installation in Belmar

Thinking to schedule new furnace installation in Belmar, NJ?

People just don’t notice the slow drop in comfort that an inefficient furnace can cause. No one wants to spend time thinking about their heater because it’s just too uncomfortable to do so! If you’re noticing some of these signs, however, then it might be time to consider purchasing a new unit before winter arrives. Once the cold weather hits, your options are limited and you will have little flexibility if problems occur – so being proactive now can save money later. If you’re noticing any of the following signs, it may be time to schedule a new furnace installation in Belmar, NJ:

1. Your furnace is more than 10 years old:

A furnace typically has a lifespan of around 10-15 years. If your furnace is more than 10 years old, it’s likely that it’s no longer functioning as efficiently as it should be. Replacing an old furnace with a new one can help you save on energy costs and improve your home’s comfort level.

2. Your furnace is making strange noises:

If your furnace is making strange noises, it could be a sign that something is wrong with it. This could indicate that you should schedule furnace repair in Belmar, NJ or that it’s on its last legs.

3. You haven’t replaced your filter in the past 6 months:

A dirty air filter can cause your furnace to have to work harder than usual, shortening its lifespan and increasing your energy costs. This is why it’s important to change your filter regularly so you don’t allow dust and other particles into the system when replacing the old one with a new one.

4. You smell something strange when your furnace turns on or when it runs for an extended period of time:

It could be a sign that there is carbon monoxide in your home’s air supply, which can lead to serious health problems if too much it accumulates over time. If this happens, schedule a furnace installation immediately and make sure the technician tests your system to ensure your family’s safety.

Thinking to schedule new furnace installation in Belmar

5. You haven’t had a tune-up in five years.

A tune-up is an essential part of routine maintenance that helps keep your appliance running smoothly and at peak efficiency for as long as possible. If it has been over 5 years since your last tune-up, you might want to schedule one before winter arrives – especially if you’re feeling like there may be problems with how well your system is performing. Tune-ups can prevent issues from arising so you don’t have to worry about them while trying to stay warm during the cold months ahead!

6. Your utility bill seems to be higher than normal.

A furnace is a big cost in terms of your utility bills, so if you notice that your monthly payments are high, it might be time for a new furnace installation before you get hit with any surprises this winter. Technology has improved over the years and newer units typically have an energy efficiency ratio between 88% and 98%. Older units can have ratios as low as 78%, which means they are less efficient. If you haven’t replaced yours recently, it may be worth looking into options for new furnace installation to make sure your family is comfortable all winter long without breaking the bank!

7. You’re using space heaters to supplement your furnace.

Space heaters can be a costly way to try and stay warm, and they can also be dangerous if not used properly. If you’re using space heaters to supplement your furnace, it’s a sign that your system isn’t working well enough and needs to be replaced.

8. You’re constantly adjusting the thermostat to stay comfortable.

If you’re constantly having to adjust the thermostat to stay comfortable, it’s a sign that your furnace isn’t working properly. In addition, if you find yourself turning up the heat really high to get warm, then your furnace is definitely past its prime and should be replaced.

If you’re noticing any of these signs, it may be time for a new furnace installation in Belmar, NJ. Contact Environmental Air Systems today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts! We’ll help you find the perfect unit for your home and get it installed before winter arrives so you can enjoy all the comfort it has to offer! Call (732) 681-0856 for more information.