Tiburelo Medina

Tiburelo Medina Family, Relationships, & More

Tiburelo Medina, a Peruvian man, is the father of the youngest confirmed mother in history. His daughter, Lina Medina, was only five years old when she gave birth to a baby boy in May 1939. Lina’s story made headlines around the world, and she became known as the “youngest mother in history.”

Personal Life of Tiburelo Medina

Born in the small village of Ticrapo in the Andes mountains of Peru, Tiburelo’s parents were poor farmers who could not afford to send all of their children to school, so Tiburelo only attended for a few years. When he was a teenager, Tiburelo left home to find work in the city. He eventually found a job as a silversmith. It was through this job that he met his future wife, Victoria Losea.

The Medina Family

Tiburelo Medina’s wife, Victoria Losea was also from a poor family. But she was able to finish school and get a job as a chef. The two of them fell in love and were married. The couple had nine children. Lina Medina is the famous one among her siblings.

Reason Behind the Medina Family’s Fame

In 1939, when Lina was just five years old, she began to complain of stomach pains. Tiburelo took her to the doctor, thinking she might have appendicitis. Instead, Dr Gerardo Lozada discovered that Lina was pregnant. He couldn’t believe it, and neither could Tiburelo and Victoria.

The family was shocked, but they were also very scared. They didn’t know what to do or where to turn for help. Fortunately, the doctor who discovered Lina’s pregnancy was willing to deliver the baby. Lina gave birth to a healthy baby boy, named Gerardo, on May 14, 1939. In 1979, Gerardo passed way at the age of 40 from some bone marrow complications.

Although it was a very difficult time for their family, Tiburelo and Celia remained supportive of their daughter. They loved her unconditionally and were proud of her for overcoming such a difficult experience. There is no information on when and where Tiburelo Medina perished.

All about Lina Medina

Lina Medina was born in Ticrapo, Peru. Her parents, Tiburelo and Victoria, welcomed her on September 23, 1933. The Peruvian girl is the youngest confirmed mother in medical history, giving birth at the age of five years, seven months, and 21 days.

When the 5-year-old complained about stomach pains, her parents noticed that her belly was bulging. Medina was diagnosed with precocious puberty and a tumor on her adrenal gland. At first, doctors were unsure if Medina was suffering from a tumor or if she was pregnant. An X-ray was inconclusive, so doctors performed a pelvic exam, which confirmed that Medina was pregnant.

Medina gave birth by cesarean section to a healthy baby boy weighing 5.95 lb. The delivery was complicated, and Medina required blood transfusions. She and her son, named Gerardo after Dr. Lozada, were discharged from the hospital after a week.

Gerardo assumed Lina to be his older sister while growing up. It was not until he was ten years old that Medina’s mother told him the truth about his birth. Medina married Raúl Jurado in 1970s and had another child, a son, in 1972 at the age of 39.


Medina’s story came to light in the early 1970s when she and her son were interviewed by a Peruvian newspaper. The story was later picked up by international media. Medina has since granted few interviews and has largely remained out of the public eye. Tiburelo Medina passed away but his daughter Lina is still alive and well. The 89-year-old is now a mother and grandmother, and she still lives in Peru.