Stress is a tense state of the body, i.e. non-specific response of the body to the demand presented to it (stressful situation). Under the influence of stress, the human body experiences stress tension.
Table of Contents
Tip 1
Learn to look at life in a new way. Coping with stress begins with embracing the idea that you alone are responsible for your emotional and physical well-being. You should no longer let other people determine whether or not you are happy. You have no control over anyone’s behavior other than your own, and your emotional well-being is too precious to you to trust with outsiders.
Tip 2
Be an optimist. This is essential for successful stress management. Remember that the source of stress is not the events themselves, but our perception of these events. The following simple technique is very useful for this: as soon as you catch yourself on a gloomy thought, switch to something good. Eventually, you will automatically begin to see life in brighter colors.
Tip 3
Get regular exercise. This is an excellent way to relieve stress. Exercise has a positive effect not only on the physical condition, but also on the psyche. Even three 20-minute aerobic sessions a week can greatly reduce stress. Daily stretching exercises provide relaxation, increase flexibility and improve posture. Try to lead an active lifestyle and keep fit. Sometimes students prioritize sports and delegate research papers to
Tip 4
Strive for reasonable organization. disorganization, carelessness, procrastination and procrastination can seem very relaxing, but they are actually stressful. Set short, intermediate, and long-term goals for yourself. Every morning, make a list of the things you want or need to do that day. Classify them according to their importance into groups (A, B, C…). Take care of the most urgent things first. Realistically look at things: do not expect too much from yourself. It may be that something planned does not need to be done at all.
Tip 5
Learn to say “NO”. Some people take on too much in life. This threatens not only with severe stress, but also with the fact that you will either do some important things poorly or not do it at all. Understand the limits of your capabilities and be firm. If you don’t have time for something or you just don’t want to do it, don’t do it. Delegate your tasks. Like students do with cheap writing service. Learn to say “no” firmly. Try something like this: “I’m flattered that you’re asking me, but I’m too busy, unfortunately.”
Tip 6
Learn to enjoy life. We are always striving to achieve some goals. It seems that only having achieved something, we will be happy. Meanwhile, you can enjoy every day of your life. Some people go to college just to get a diploma, but study is also a pleasure. Someone goes to the service only because of the salary, but it’s so interesting to work! Happiness is seldom achieved if taken as a goal. Feeling happy is usually a by-product of our activities. Concentrate your attention and feelings on what you are doing, enjoy the work itself, how well you do it, and not what it will give you in the future.
Tip 7
Don’t be a perfectionist. People who set themselves impossible goals are never happy. Learn to be tolerant and forgiving of yourself and others. Intolerance of one’s own shortcomings inevitably leads to stress. Intolerance towards others makes you irritable, worsens relationships with others,
Therefore, it also causes stress.
Tip 8
Don’t focus on yourself. There are many things and people worthy of your attention and care. Learn to see yourself through the eyes of others. Help someone who needs your help. This will lift you up in your own eyes, and your problems will not seem so intractable.
Tip 9
Don’t delve into your past. Each of us can remember things that we shouldn’t have done. But to regret what we have done and what we have not done is unreasonable. Our past is our experience, and we need to use it in order not to repeat the same mistakes. Immersion in the past deprives a person of joy in the present.
Tip 10
Eat right. Our food and how we consume it has a very significant impact on our emotions and our ability to cope with life’s challenges. Try to eat rationally for two weeks and evaluate your well-being.
Tip 11
Get enough sleep. Sleep plays a very important role in coping with stress and maintaining health. Sleep needs vary from person to person, but for most of us, getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night is enough. Some people don’t get enough sleep just because they don’t organize, but it happens that sleep is disturbed as a result of stress. It’s very easy to get caught up in a vicious cycle where stress causes insomnia, and insomnia exacerbates stress even more.