Accounting Workflow Management Software

Top Features to Look for in Accounting Workflow Management Software

Workflow management software helps accounting firms document processes with centralized communication, which improves accountability. It also gives managers a clear view of staff capacity to meet client deadlines.

Integrated Document Management

A modern accounting firm needs a collaborative, centralized location for documents like invoices and statements. Workflow software allows teams to easily access and manipulate these files, boosting productivity and efficiency.

The accounting industry has many repeatable tasks and processes: onboarding new clients, monthly bookkeeping, filing tax returns, etc. Automating these repetitive procedures saves time and improves accuracy.

 The client portal provides a direct line of communication, which helps reduce bottlenecks and allows accountants to complete projects faster. Another feature that users value is the detailed workflow view that shows upcoming and uncompleted tasks. This feature makes it easier to handle each task in order of completion and ensures that no project slips through the cracks.

Time Tracking

Time tracking software allows accounting firms to keep track of operational data, such as billing rates and staff capacity, leading to a better understanding of how their firm performs. In addition to generating reports highlighting overall project completion rates and top performers, accounting workflow management tools can help accounting firms identify adverse trends or obstacles in their business model.

A key feature to look for in an accounting workflow tool is a client portal. This feature allows accountants to share files and documents with clients and provides a secure environment for direct communication with their team. It also creates a clear path for clients to pay their invoices and reduces processing costs.

Accounting workflow management software should allow you to filter your firm’s dashboard by assignment and due date to get a snapshot of each project’s status at any moment. It will also give you visibility into a task’s progress, so you can address bottlenecks before they delay a project.

Client Portal

The accounting industry has many repeatable processes- onboarding new clients, reviewing tax returns, monthly bookkeeping, etc. Keeping track of all the information associated with these tasks can be a considerable overhead for firms.

With a client portal, you can streamline all these processes and improve collaboration with your team. In addition to providing increased capacity for your firm, a client portal allows you to give your clients more autonomy over their data by allowing them to access and respond to communications at their convenience.

With your client portal, you can also ensure that your data is hosted under your specific guidelines- unlike platforms like Gmail or Facebook that host communication without any privacy assurance. It helps protect your client’s personal information while enabling you to deliver the highest level of service. It also saves you from the hassle of storing and retrieving data in various formats, such as email, documents, and spreadsheets.


Ideally, an accounting workflow management system will allow users to track the time spent on tasks. This way, they can minimize their out-of-pocket expenses and ensure they are not losing money on unproductive tasks.

A good workflow automation software for accountants will let managers view team members’ tasks in real-time. It improves accountability and makes it easier for managers to identify high-quality performers and solve bottlenecks within the team.