What is the Best Body Contouring Method in New Orleans

What is the Best Body Contouring Method in New Orleans?

up to help you achieve your body contouring goals. If you have some stubborn fat pockets that never seem to disappear no matter how many diest you try or how many times you exercise, body contouring in New Orleans, LA might be the push you need in the right direction. But with all the available procedures, what is the best body contouring method in New Orleans? Here are some of the best New Orleans body contouring procedures

Types of Body Contouring

1.      BodyTite

BodyTite is a body contouring procedure that is minimally invasive. It could help tighten your skin dramatically and you would easily be able to compare the results that you would get with BodyTite with a tummy tuck.

They are going to be using temperature-controlled radiofrequency energy that would heat up the targeted place under your skin. You are going to need to go under local anesthesia.

2.      Breast augmentation

The breast augmentation procedure would have to be one of the most trendy body contouring procedures. Your surgeon is going to extract some of your own fat through liposuction, purify it, and then inject it into your breast to help increase the size of your breast, with saline or silicone implants.

3.      Buttock augmentation

The buttock augmentation (also known as the Brazilian Butt Lift) is like breast augmentation. They go through the same procedure, your surgeon is going to inject autologous fat into the plane above your buttocks, effectively adding some more volume to the area and increasing the size of it depending on your goals.

4.      CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that would be able to contour and reshape your body by freezing the targeted area and destroying your fat cells permanently. They are going to be an applicator on your skin to do this, and this would effectively help you get rid of those stubborn and unwanted fat pockets that never seem to leave.

5.      Liposuction

●        Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction

During ultrasonic-assisted liposuction, your surgeon is going to be inserting a metal rod into your targeted area that would be able to emit ultrasonic energy. The reason why they are doing this is that this would help rupture some of your fat-cell walls and it would be able to break down the fat much easier.

●        Laser-assisted liposuction

As for laser-assisted liposuction, they are going to use a high-intensity laser light to help break down some of your fat during the procedure.

Your surgeon is going to be making a small incision in your skin so that they could insert a laser fiber through it.

And from there, it would help emulsify your fat deposits. Then using a cannula, they are going to be removing those melted fats.

●        Tumescent liposuction

The tumescent liposuction procedure would have to be the most common type of liposuction technique where a surgeon would inject the targeted area with a sterile solution that is mixed with saltwater, the saltwater would help with the fat removal.

They are going to inject you with an anesthetic to help relieve the pain and then a drug that would help your blood vessels constrict the area that is being treated.

There would be small cuts made into your skin so that they could insert a thin tube under your skin. The cannula (the thin tube) would be connected to a vacuum, which would be able to suction some of your fats and fluids inside your body. Then they are going to use an intravenous (IV) line to help replenish your fluid.

●        Power-assisted liposuction

When it comes to power-assisted liposuction, your surgeon is going to be using a cannula that would be moving back and forth in a rapid motion. It’s going to be making vibrations that would help your surgeon pull out some of the tough fat that you have much easier and so much faster.

Compared to all of the other procedures, power-assisted liposuction would sometimes cause much less pain and much less swelling. An upside added to that is that your surgeon would be able to remove some of your fats better and with more precision.

What is the Difference Between Body Contouring and CoolSculpting?

Body contouring or body sculpting is where you are going to work with a licensed technician who would use ultrasound cavitation, lipo-sculpt, and radiofrequency to help break some of your fat cells down permanently. This is a non-invasive and painless procedure.

They would use these handheld devices to help liquefy your fat cells using heat, and this would naturally gradually be removed from your body. It would last in about a house or so and you would get to go back to your everyday activities right after your sessions, which means you are not going to need any downtime whatsoever.

CoolSculpting, on the other hand, would have mostly the same effect except instead of heating the targeted area to get rid of some of your extra fat cells, they are going to freeze it. You are basically going to have the same effects, and you would not need any downtime as well.

The only difference they have is basically the heating and freezing part, but they both help clients in reshaping their bodies and remove some of their fat cells permanently. Consult with a licensed technician if you have any concerns and questions, and if you are interested in getting any of those two procedures.