When you’re considering whether to use a Mossberg 410 Semi Auto shotgun for home defense or not, there are a variety of different reasons why it’s a good idea. Of course, it’s not ideal to have to fire a gun in the house, but when needs must, the devil drives, as they say.
In the cold light of day, there are some specific metrics that residents need to think about when attempting to arm themselves legally. They are; penetration, noise, recoil, manoeuvrability and stopping power. Let’s take a look at each one individually.
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Penetration – No Worries From the Mossberg 410 Semi Auto In this Regard
When firing a shotgun at anyone or anything, you can expect it to obliterate pretty much anything that’s put in front of it. However, while it might take some of your dry walling out if you miss, what it won’t do is penetrate through the wall and kill an innocent bystander outside or your neighbout sitting next door eating their dinner! A nice quality for home defense purposes. What else?
Noise – It Is Pretty Darn Loud!
One of the only niggles about shotguns for home defense is that they’re amongst the loudest weapons on the market. That means if you shoot a weapon like a Mossberg 410 semi auto in your home trying ot protect yourself, your ears are going to be ringing for hours afterwards. That said, it’s the kind of noise that will scare someone away, meaning you don’t always have to hit the target to be effective.
Recoil – It’s Hard, But You Get Used to It
You’re naturally going to get a bigger kick for a shotgun as opposed to a pistol, but given that it’s going to be jammed into your shoulder, it shouldn’t affect your re-aiming technique too much. Chances are, you’ll only need to fire once to do the job, but if not, so long as your stance is good, you shouldn’t have any problem with the kick .
Manoeuvrability – Perhaps Not the Best?
Compared to pistol, a shotgun is harder to store, harder to conceal and if we’re being honest, hard to manoeuvre. However, firing and hitting the target with a shotgun is going to be far easier and you’re not likely to have do any barrel rolls to defeat most burglars. Usually, the threat of death is enough to scare off intruders, so manoeuvrability – while it’s nice to have – isn’t too much of a problem in the home.
Stopping Power – There’s None Better
If there’s one reason to buy a shotgun for home defense, it’s for the increased stopping power that it offers. It’s much less necessary to make well-aimed shots, meaning that accuracy is assured and whatever you hit is most often going to stay hit and stay down. If you’re looking for the reassurance that a weapon in the home brings, there’s none more assuring than a shotgun.
The Mossberg 410 Semi Auto – a Worthy Home Defense Option
Ok, so they’re noisy, not terribly manoeuvrable and they have quite a kick, but a shotgun is one of the most popular choices American homeowners make for their defensive needs. Why? Because they’re sturdy, powerful and easy to aim – which represent three real advantages that you’l be glad of if anyone were ever to try.
They’re often easier to find when the moment comes, too, so no more scrabbling around trying to get to your safe to unlock your gun, desperately trying to arm yourself. Are Mossberg shotguns ideal for everyone? No. Are they weapons you should think about? Certainly.
You’ll ultimatley choose what’s best for you and your family, but you could a whole lot worse that furnish yourself with the awesome power of a shotgun.