Chronicles of Crime vr

Chronicles of Crime: A Modern Spin on the Board Game, Complete with VR Eyeglasses and Forensic Clues

Fancy a board game with a modern twist? Chronicles of Crime is an innovative new proposition, combining traditional board game elements with an exciting app and even a splash of VR, with special glasses available that’ll allow players to immerse themselves even further into the experience.

In this award-winning, cooperative game, teams have five unique cases to solve, with each installment written by experienced crime authors to add to the sense of suspense and adventure. And when you’ve solved all the cases? Don’t worry; there are plenty more add-on modules available to keep the sleuthing going!

What’s in the Box?

You’ll receive everything you need with the first installment of the game, Chronicles of Crime (London Forensic). Take a peek in the box, and you’ll find five unique scenarios, a tutorial scenario to show you the ropes, forty character cards, and thirty-five evidence category cards, along with special item cards, location boards, forensic contact boards, evidence boards, and a rulebook.

The VR glasses that add a compelling new aspect to the game are available in the add-on Virtual Reality Module to take gameplay to another level.

How Does the Chronicles of Crime Game Work?

Once the Chronicles of Crime app has been downloaded to your device, there’s no internet connection required. The game is largely run on the app (incorporating the VR eyeglasses if you choose to purchase this module) but also combines plenty of physical elements to create a truly immersive experience: gameplay feels as if you and your team are running an authentic investigation.

At the end of each installment, your team will be asked questions, including the identity of your prime suspect and their motive. The answers given, along with the time taken to conclude your inquiry, will generate an overall score for your team’s investigation.

Virtual Reality Module

If you want to really enjoy Chronicles of Crime to its fullest potential, you need the Virtual Reality Module that comes with a pair of VR eyeglasses. These glasses simply need to be attached to a mobile device to allow you to view the crime scene as if you were actually there. Once in use, you’ll be able to explore a crime scene in minute and realistic detail, search for hidden clues and spot the little details that could just help you uncover the identity of the culprit.

The QR code that also comes with this module unlocks the bonus Secret Report scenario, which can be accessed for free, so your detective work can continue.

The VR Eyeglasses

The eyeglasses have been designed with comfort in mind, so they can be easily worn for hours if you find yourself absolutely immersed in a game – and they’re durable, too. The VR glasses are compatible with most 4.5-inch to 5.5-inch Android and iOS smartphones that incorporate sensor functionality. The minimum resolution is 720p; the maximum is 1440p.

What About the Chronicles of Crime Expansion Packs?

And once you’ve solved the initial five cases, the sleuthing fun doesn’t need to stop: there are Chronicles of Crime expansion packs available, including Noir and Welcome to Redview, both of which provide four new scenarios to get stuck into.

In Noir, you’ll take on the role of a private investigator in 1950s LA. Given the era, your team will have to work without forensics; instead, you’ll have access to alternative actions instead, such as intimidation, shadowing, corruption, and even breaking and entering. In Welcome to Redview, each member of the team takes on the role of a teenager attempting to solve a mystery in an American town of the 1980s.

Given the ‘back in the day’ nature of these two expansion packs, there are no VR eyeglasses in play – but you may just need them for the latest expansions, the Millenium series, and Chronicles of Crime: Chronicles of Time, in which some crime scenarios are set in the future.

Chronicles of Crime: Chronicles of Time

This latest expansion pack features four new scenarios to get to grips with, all of which are playable with games from across the Millennium series. The first scenario, Pursuit of Knowledge, is set in Paris in the 1400s, while the second, The Bitter Pill, moves players forward in time to the 1900s. The Dream that Never Ends whisks your team far into the future: all the way to 2400. Rather than VR eyeglasses, this scenario introduces an implant card to help you analyze the crime scene. Finally, A Matter of Time offers your team the chance to travel back and forwards in time to solve the toughest case yet.

Chronicles of Crime: The Ultimate Team-Player Sleuthing Game

If you love board games but are looking for something a little different, Chronicles of Crime is a great option: merging an immersive app with traditional board game elements, VR eyeglasses, and other tools takes the board game format to a new level.

The range of expansion packs that provide a wide range of different scenarios taking place in a variety of eras and locations means that there’s almost no limit to the potential for gaming fun.