We live in the 21st century, which is a fast pace of life and if you live in a city, it can be a real disconnect from nature. Working every day can be stressful, so when you do get a few days off, it is a good idea to go and explore the wilderness. Camping is a very popular pastime and if you have the right gear, you can enjoy an element of comfort while being immersed in raw nature.
Essential Camping Gear
Check out the amazing Fjällräven collections of quality outdoor gear; backpacks, tents, jackets and hiking boots. Don’t make the mistake of buying cheap outdoor gear, as it won’t stand the test of time; that goes for clothing, tents, backpacks and boots, indeed any outdoor equipment should be of the best quality. Of course, you wouldn’t be expected to buy everything you need straight away, rather you can acquire items as and when you need them.
Recharge Your Batteries
Working hard in the office eventually wears you down and if you can take a few days every month to relax in a natural setting, while the annual holiday gives you time for a lengthy spell in a beautiful natural area. There are many hiking trails in the north of Thailand; you can get details on the Internet and plan your adventure accordingly.
Family Outings
Why not take the family on a camping weekend somewhere far away from urban areas; a place where you are totally surrounded by nature? Of course, this can only take place if the weather permits, if you live in Thailand, cold is never going to be an issue and there more than 100 National Parks located within Thailand and many offer camping and resorts are very reasonably priced. Here are a few benefits from sending your kids to summer camp.
Bonding Experience
Spending a few days in a beautiful natural setting is a great family bonding experience; if you are single, why not go with one of your best friends? Clean air and a change of scenery will be just what the doctor ordered. You could always go solo, indeed, many young people love nothing more than escaping to the wilderness when they have a long weekend.
Observing Wildlife
If you are planning to stay in one of the many National Parks in Thailand, there is an abundance of wildlife that you can observe in their natural habitat. The guides are very knowledgeable and can tell you where to find specific species; as you can imagine, there are many birds, reptiles and animals.
Planning adventures
Whether you prefer guided tours or to go it alone, you can get a lot of information online; you can book a spot in a campsite or a room at one of the many resorts. You can also find out about the local wildlife, eating habits and behaviour.
If you regularly spend time camping, you will maintain a connection with Mother Nature and with top quality camping and hiking gear, your adventures will be memorable.