healthy lifestyle

The Ideal Massage Chair in One Glance: A Shopping Guide

Being a smart shopper means having the ability to scrutinize even the most popular and top-rated products that appear in your search query or a physical store, but with so many products available in the market nowadays, it becomes harder and harder to become one. After all, it’s not enough to know which product is the best, it’s also worth noting which one is the most suitable for your personal tastes. Cost is also not an easy metric to use. Some products might boast low prices but will come packed with hidden fees just underneath the fine print.

The Ideal Massage Chair 2

We can make a very good case with massage chairs regarding this topic. You might think that you’re getting a massage chair that’s perfect for you based on good reviews and a high number of sales, but then it arrives and it’s just…mediocre. You probably already missed out on an even better chair for the same price because you narrowed your standards too much. So what should you be looking for when you’re buying a massage chair? Well, there are a lot of things you need to take note of, but we got it packed up in a nice little list for you down below.

Size Matters – for Massage Chairs, at least


The Ideal Massage Chair 3

This should immediately stand out to you the moment you look at a massage chair. The size of the chair has a big effect on comfort. Although most chairs are designed to be suitable for a wide range of body profiles, it’s still much more rewarding to get a massage chair that can accommodate every part of your body to the fullest. It’s also a factor you need to take into account if the room you are planning to place it on has limited space. That’s why massage chairs like the Osaki OS 4D Pro Maestro massage chair are highly coveted by people living in the city for their space-saving technology. This beautiful chair allows for zero gravity recline with as little as 5 inches of space between it and the wall. It also scans the user’s body using a special built-in computer to adjust the experience accordingly.

They usually have it labeled on their specifications what size a massage chair is most suited for, but if there isn’t, you can also try testing the massage chair out for yourself if the store you are buying from allows it. Of course, this is not an option when you’re shopping online, so it’s better to try and ask the seller about it instead.

Massage Programs Available

The Ideal Massage Chair Remote Controller

A massage program refers to a style or technique that the many mechanisms in the massage chair perform during a session. Each program is designed to offer specific parts of the body comfort and relief, and a combination of them in a well-planned order is a guarantee for a great time. You should look into how many programs are available for the massage chair you are using, and compare that list to the reason you are getting a massage chair in the first place. Do you experience back pains in your lumbar area often? Then you should look for a massage chair that offers spine care or vigorous massages. The voice-activated JPMedics Kumo massage chair boasts a whopping 12 automatic programs you can choose from and 500 customizable options for you to personalize your session. Having a lot of options means you can get a much wider range of benefits from your massage chair.

Warranty Limits

The Ideal Massage Chair

In case you don’t know what a warranty is, it’s a written agreement that a seller makes with their customer that they will repair the product (or certain parts of the product) within a given time frame. From phones to cars, most products nowadays that deal with complex technology are attached with a warranty. It’s always a plus for the customers since they won’t have to shell out exorbitant amounts of money just to repair their product and they also have the assurance that the repairs are being done by someone who actually knows what they’re doing. When you buy a massage chair, always check how long their warranty lasts. Remember: wear and tear is the most common way a massage chair – or just about anything – gets damaged. Don’t settle for anywhere less than a year or two because your massage chair would most likely still be at maximum efficiency by then. The Osaki OS 4000XT massage chair from The Modern Back offers a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years warranty on structural defects and faulty parts. Now, compare that with a product that only offers a warranty for one year and you’ll see why it adds an extra layer of assurance for some people.


It’s really important to remember that you are buying a massage chair for YOURSELF and your family, so what’s best for the general public might not be the most suitable for you. With this article, we covered three important things you should keep in mind when buying a massage chair; that’s size, functionality, and long-term cost-efficiency! As mentioned before, if the store you are buying a massage chair from allows you to test out their products, don’t hesitate. There’s no better judge than your o