Ford Upgrade

6.0 Oil Cooler Relocation Kit | Ford Upgrade

The Ford upgrade of the 6.0 Cooler relocation kit is a better use of the motor oil. The function of motor oil is not limited to lubricating the different parts, but it also acts as a coolant for the engine. To be simpler, it acts as a heat...

Fix Antifreeze Leak

How Can You Find and Fix Antifreeze Leak?

Antifreeze leaks can happen wherever in the cooling system. Most of the time, these punctures are easy to find because the antifreeze can be seen dripping or sprinkling from the leaky component. The very first sign of the problem is usually...

Protect Your Car from Theft

How to Protect Your Car from Theft

Imagine having to go to work, the mall, or anywhere in a bus or a cab… when you have your own car! Feels bad, doesn’t it? This is a risk you’re taking every time you walk away from your car leaving it insecure and up for grabs… We’re in a time when...


Rear Differential Repairs

If your automobile makes a whining noise when you switch a corner or a whirring sound combined with noticeable vibrations on the highway, it can be your Cash for Cars lease you recognize that your just rear differential goes bad. Differential...