What Does the Future of Healthcare Look Like

What Does the Future of Healthcare Look Like?

Healthcare is changing, thanks both to the pandemic, and a wide variety of new technologies that make old processes faster and more efficient. There are also problems that need to be addressed. Staffing shortages, vaccine hesitancy, long wait times...

When Can CBT Help You

Therapy: When Can CBT Help You?

Although we may be experiencing tough times, many of us think therapy is for people who can’t help themselves. But here’s an interesting perspective: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a “talking therapy” in which you actually discover the...

Is Bakuchiol better than Retinol

Is Bakuchiol better than Retinol?

“Although bakuchiol has a distinct chemical structure from retinol, it appears to act on similar cellular pathways and gene targets, leading to upregulation of collagen, for example,” says consultant dermatologist Dr. Justine Kluk. Retinols are a...

Things You Need To Know About Botox Treatment

Things You Need To Know About Botox Treatment

Using makeup or beauty treatments to enhance your look is something that every woman does! As you age, your skin starts sagging, and you will notice fine lines on different parts of your face. However, you can efficiently hide these lines with skin...

Best Detox Product In Singapore-1

Best Detox Product in Singapore

Detoxification, or detox, is the process of removing toxins from the body. Toxins come from many sources, including the environment, food, and water. The body has several organs and systems that work together to detoxify the body, including the...