How To Have Less Carbon Footprint While Air Travelling

How To Have Less Carbon Footprint While Air Travelling

Do you feel guilty every time you step on a plane? You’re not alone. Air travel is one of the most environmentally damaging ways to get around, but there are ways to make it more sustainable.  But there are ways to reduce your impact. In this blog post, we’ll explore some ways you can reduce your carbon footprint when traveling by air. Keep reading for more information!

Always Fly Direct

You might not realize it, but your travel choices can have a significant impact on the environment. When it comes to flying, for example, taking a direct flight is much better for the planet than taking multiple connecting flights.

That’s because each time a plane takes off and lands, it emits a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by taking a direct flight instead of multiple connecting flights.

But what if there are no direct flights to your destination? In that case, you might want to consider flying on a crowdsourced chartered plane. These planes fly direct to their destinations and typically carry multiple passengers, so they’re much more sustainable than private planes.

And a few different companies offer crowdsourced chartered flights such as Blade, founded by Rob Wiesenthal. The company allows you to crowdsource your chartered planes via their app or book a seat on an already chartered plane.

Buy Carbon Offsets

Carbon offsets are a way of balancing out the emissions you can’t avoid by funding projects that prevent an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. For example, you could buy offsets to balance out the emissions from your car by investing in a project that captures methane gas from a landfill.

There are many different carbon offset projects to choose from, so you can choose one that aligns with your values. Buying offsets is a way to take responsibility for the emissions you can’t avoid and make a difference in the fight against climate change.

There are many ways to buy carbon offsets, including through online retailers, utility companies, and even some airlines. Using airlines that fund carbon offset projects is one of the most convenient ways to purchase these offset points.

Another way is to help fund a sustainable or clean energy project in your community. Because there’s no sugarcoating it – climate change is a huge problem that we need to start addressing now.

Prefer New And Advanced Aircrafts

It’s no secret that air travel leaves a pretty hefty carbon footprint. But did you know that newer aircraft models are working to be more environmentally friendly?

Nowadays, we can fly in airplanes that release far less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than ever before. This is not only due to the advancements in technology, but also because aircraft are now designed with fuel efficiency in mind.

As a result, by flying on a new and advanced aircraft, we can do our part in reducing our carbon footprint. Not only will this help to protect the environment, but it will also help to make air travel more sustainable in the long term.

So next time you book a flight, be sure to choose an airline that operates new and advanced aircraft. It may cost a little bit more, but it will be worth it for the sake of the planet.

Avoid First Class

We all know that flying first class is more comfortable than the economy. But did you know that it also has a much bigger impact on the environment? Flying first class emits about three times as much carbon dioxide as the flying economy.

Flying first-class might make you feel like a VIP, but it comes at a high cost – not just to your wallet, but also to the environment. Business- and first-class seating take up more space and weight, so more fuel is required per passenger. This ultimately leads to more flights and increased emissions.

So, if you’re looking to reduce your carbon footprint, flying first class is a big no-no. Instead, opt for the economy. It may not be as comfortable, but it’s a whole lot better for the planet.

The carbon footprint of an airplane is huge, and it’s only going to get worse as the global population continues to grow.  That is why we need to take small steps to make a big impact. By following the tips we’ve outlined in this article, you can help make air travel more environmentally friendly and reduce your contribution to climate change.