Not long ago, a famous K-drama series shook the romance and fantasy universe. Teens have gone crazy over this popular television series because it seems to be a breakthrough to a cheesier comedy, a romantic kind of Korean drama. Fans went insane...
Air Gear is a well-written Japanese manga series. It was put into motion and adapted into an anime series. Oh! great, a professional manga series artist, wrote and illustrated Air Gear back in 2002-2012. It became popular and was supported by many...
Supernatural anime is worth watching. Anticipate the engaging and enjoyable scenes throughout the season especially when there are very unique characters and plots. This is how Killing Bites nailed it. You can see quite a lot of distinctive episodes...
Medici is a historical drama television series. The tv series is created by Frank Spotnitz and Nicholas Meyer. The production company of the series is Italian companies Lux Vide and Rai Fiction and in collaboration with Big Light Productions. The...
Ultraman is a Japanese anime series written by Ryo Higaki, Kurasumi Sunayama, and Harumi Doki. The anime is an adaptation by 3DCG original net animation (ONA) and also (studio) co-produced by Production I.G. a Sola Digital Arts. The series was...
Shooter is an American drama, action, and thriller television series based on the novel entitled Point of Impact written by Stephen Hunter. The series is also based on the 2007 movie of the same name starring Mark Wahlberg. The series is developed...
Milo Murphy’s Law is an American animated television series. The series is created by Dan Povenmire and Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, the creators are also the executive producers of the show. Milo Murphy’s Law is a comedy, science fiction, action, and...
Disjointed, an original Netflix show is an American television comedy series. The show is created by David Javerbaum and Chuck Lorre. Both David and Chuck are also executive producers. The comedy series stars Kathy Bates, Elizabeth Alderfer, Aaron...
Wanted is a television drama series based in Australia. It was created by Rebecca Gibney and Richard Bell. The executive producers are Rebecca Gibney, Tony Ayres, and Julie McGauran. The series was directed by Peter Templeman, Jennifer Leacey, and...
Grab your dip and chips; it’s time to enjoy some sports! You don’t want to be the one that missed your favorite team’s magical game-winning goal, do you? Or you want to miss that intense moment of the match that has left everyone talking throughout...